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Economical distancing China
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Based. Even without the chinkiepox, we just can't be dependent on one country for all our products.
Can we has electronics factory? Pablo can hold soldering iron better than cheng
Absolutely based. There needs to be an international, genuinely grassroots movement to buy non-Chinese goods instead of Chinese ones. I'm not even wanting to buy only American, just not Chinese.
I was thinking about compiling a list of alternatives to Chinese companies for many common products and where these can be obtained (likely largely online).
This can be done, and likely already has
Similar has been done for people who want to shop America-only, and for people who want to avoid Israeli products (like the BDS movement) - but focus needs to be on non-Chinese sources only
True. Just fuck China. Buying Taiwanese would be 10/10 fuck you to CCP.
>The food!
I'd be fine eating at a Taiwanese restaurant I had to have Chinese food, or making it at home with products from Taiwan.
Old site, looks like an okay start
Fuck off Chang.
Fuck off GlowNigger.
U wat m8?
>10k cases, fuck off Chile.
You cannot stop the rise of China. Chinese products are just superior. Keep consuming TikTok and Tencent and Oneplus. The Chinese century has arrived.
I'm a glownigger for saying we need to boycott China? They're trying to infiltrate your government and have been caught multiple times
Based. I won't go to any Chinese restaurant anymore fuck those chinks they should get the fuck out
10k cases, 300 dead. Enjoy dying tomorrow you Chilean cunt.
Shut up Chang
>I'd be fine eating at a Taiwanese restaurant
Fuck off Chang
At least we don't hide cases like Argenchina.
Nonono, Chinese century was years back. This is Africa or Latin America century.
Mate, you're living in China colony, did you know this? Did you know that Brits sold you to china?
Taiwanese=Chinks. Get out of this country Chang
its hard to boycott china when most of our shit gets made there
more importantly our production processes need to be independent from china
enjoy dying to the Coof Vicente.
You cunts should have been buying your own from the beginning.
>Buy Catalan
>Then Spanish
> Then democracies and good labour laws
Fuck you H&M buying faggots. You've been slitting our throats for decades.
BUY WEST and Jap/SK if necessary, fuck the rest
Taiwan is not the CCP
In my region we have only couple cases. Fucking santiaguanos deserve to die.
Eastern europe is fine too.
Fuck Russia though
based Catalan.
Taiwanese are ethnically Chinese and I have no issue with the ethnic Chinese, just with the Communist Party
Sorry m8, I include all Europe as "West". All the Americas as well.
Who gives a shit about your region? Your entire country is infected. It's only a matter of time before it hits your region.
Coronavirus aside, fuck China.
hitting china means hitting a lot of kike's pockets, so I've been boycotting China since before SARS 2: Batsoup Boogaloo
In about a week your region is going to be completely fucked, enjoy your coff Vicente.
Now, China is CCP.
Taiwan is Taiwan, doesn't matter they call themselves ROC. It just confuses the fuck out of everyone.
They are different people now. Communism changes mindset, thus changes the culture.
You know, you can't protest with air-aids in the air. But healthcare here is a joke.
I think 12-15k will be peak. In couple weeks.
>no issue with the ethnic Chinese
chinks are chinks. they have no fucking difference to me. They all should be burned to death
China will go full planned economy so i support.
What's your experience been boycotting China? Considering every little plastic trinket and electronic gadget has something to do with China, where do you look for alternatives?
Every other stupid country full of retards like Chile thought they could stop this under 10k cases.
There is no way you are stopping this under 15k. Screencap this post.
Yeah, the ROC thing was a farce in the first decade but sad now. I'm fine with them keeping the name just to piss of the CCP. They're fine in my book
Ok faggot
The west is trash as well. Social distancing is the best thing that could've happened in my life.
>This is Africa or Latin America century.
>he doesnt want his future to be black and hot
I will be here posting about Chile with >200k cases while you are watching your parents die.
All countries bring your factories to Latin America, specially semiconductors and machinery, we promise we won’t steal IP.
I always try to buy locally sourced food, failing that i'll go european.
Furniture, I buy european products.
Electronics, I buy japanese or korean
Don't buy shit on wish, or even ebay unless you know it's an authentic product and where that product is from and made.
Before lockdown, i used to travel a lot, so it wasn't difficult finding cool bits of furniture or clothing items made in local villages around eastern europe and the balkans on my journeys.