help me complete this map, Yas Forums
Help me complete this map, Yas Forums
Virginia will go red. The backlash for Gov. Northam's crimes is coming.
If you're going for red Minnesota you might as well make them all red
virginiafag here. the counties that were blue will stay blue, and the counties that are red will stay red. literally just going to be the same as 2016 and go blue
VA - blue
MN- blue (Klobuchar will be Biden's running mate)
CO- blue
NM- blue
OR- blue
NV- blue
rest looks about right
will you even have any elections this year?
Lol Virginia isn't going red. Their demographics are far too gone. Best those outside of NoVA and Richmond can hope for is becoming West Virginia clay.
All will go blue and Minnesota as well, likely Pennsylvania as well unless Amish are out voting again. Trump will still win.
All 4 of those states are gonna be blue.
is michigan really in the bag as everyone thinks? I really don't think it's confirmed red by any means...
I want to but it ultimately doesn’t matter. Trump automatically wins
Agree on Minnesota, NH, and statewide Maine Red.
Virginia will still be Blue.
Colorado and NM will be Blue.
Flip a coin for AZ and Nevada each.
we're all mad at gretchen so probably protest vote straight ticket r, especially if she ends up being VP for biden
This race will be decided on MI and PA. The dems will focus extremely hard on MI and might even make MI gov the vice to help win the state.
We have a lot of immigrants that vote blue. Even with Gretchens unpopularity, demographics point towards blue Michigan.
Can't wait for all your delusional MIGApedes to get btfo in November.
How the fuck can you win Maine CD1 and CD2 and not win the state faggot? Fucking think
Jesus Christ you people are delusional, there is no reason to believe what you are saying Trump is going to have to squeak this one out just like last time, what evidence do you have that Trump has expanded his coalition? Getting fucking shallacked in 2018?
depends on mobilization in Flint/Lansing/Ann Arbor/Detroit. Michigan politics has always been weird, every other election we switch Governor parties and we have a majority of republican congressmen but two dem senators.
>what evidence do you have that Trump has expanded his coalition?
1. Fuck your "coalition" horseshit
2. Enthusiasm is what matters
3. Look at voter registration in contested states. It doesn't favor the Dems.
Shut the fuck up with your low effort crap.
AZ, PA, MI, WI are toss-ups
>I love getting replaced, as long as it happens legally
>Trump halts all immigration
>no wait that's not what my memes said was gonna happen.....
>If I stop shitposting, even for a minute, I'll DIE!
Current demographics still favor gretchen and if PA also votes blue then Biden wins
>we have a majority of republican congressmen but two dem senators.
that means that state has to be fairly gerrymandered. your districts much have some superconcentrated urban dem blocs, with the rest being suburban/rural combos.
Why did they get killed in 2018 then genius? Republicans were enthusiastic as all hell, and still lost. Unless you are gonna jerk off based on Republican Senate victories in Missouri and Indiana and consider that some kind of win
you're the brainlet, he's right. and we will be here to collect your salt when it happens.
I don't think it's going to happen, no enthusiasm behind Joe so the nigs in detroit won't be bothered whereas the UP will all go to the polls, same in PA
Nigs LOVE Joe. And polls are questionable at best. Race will be very close.
because nobody gives a shit about midterms, genius. The Presidential party always loses seats.
basically, there are four or five counties that are nigger heaven and the rest of the state is pretty much lily white
Texas and Idaho too... remember how many californians moved. they tend to take their politics with them. I doubt biden will win majority but with the hit from corona virus to trump it's possible. Lets be realistic.. I hate trump. But i hate Biden too. but i am surprise how well hes done though. so far given we are just fucking ourselves more and more with each election at this point.
Black voters in the dem primary vote for Biden like he is fucking black it's white 18 year old bernouts who hate Biden
Just like 2010, and Obama did much worse in 12 vs 08, do you think Trump can afford to do that much worse given he won key Midwestern states by less than 1%?
Virginia is not going red.
I don't know about Trump, but I would guess his support is also not that great due to his shit response and lack of support for the 2a movement.
I would say that Virginia will go blue and maybe even Biden will win, because the Republicans will stay home...again.
> it's white 18 year old bernouts who hate Biden
> is 32
>voted for Obama whom was his running mate
>Hated biden from previous experience. (he's a corporate shill who opened up Arctic mining, blackmailed Ukraine, used his office to gain favors from and to preform favors for countries other then the US.)
Yeah no fuck joe biden your a ignorant also the reason niggers voted for him is because he makes about as much sense as the monkey goop they call English. go break bread nigger.. wait your a poor nigger so no bread for you.
Fuck off you baby, maybe Commie Sanders can run again next time if he isn't dead
What is the point of these threads when you think it's impossible for Biden to win? It's like talking to hillary shills in 2016
They know the election is a toss-up and are looking for a hugbox of reaffirmation that there is no chance daddy Trump is going away
Not so fast my friend. Killary only won Virginia by 5% when her VP was a Virginia senator. Rural Virginians are pretty pissed at their cuck governor for grabbing guns. They'll vote red just to spite him.