
>Immigration to US to be suspended amid pandemic, Trump says

>US oil prices turn negative as demand dries up

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Other urls found in this thread:




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>Why The Technological System will Destroy Itself

Attached: 101.jpg (678x651, 139.85K)

feel like pure shit just want pre-Windrush Britain back

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Attached: IMPORTANT! MUST READ!.jpg (650x609, 130.99K)

Do not be sad

Attached: Yorkshire.jpg (236x377, 26.02K)

>UK announces 873 more coronavirus victims



Look what I found a few moments ago, a 20 year old Guardian article that's dripping with Anglo hatred and delight that the white population of the world and their native lands are going to decrease.

Attached: The last days of a white world.png (680x4684, 1.08M)

>UK announces 873 more coronavirus victims pushing death toll to 17,382 as report suggests the true number is 40% higher - and a THIRD of all people who died in April's deadliest week had the virus
>death toll is 24k if you include the numbers that they're hiding
>IFR of around 20%

pubes never driven past a cone in his life


Attached: Britain has been a multi-cultural society for millennia.png (1050x526, 154.73K)

stop spamming your retard shit here
go make your own thread u nasty cunt

they're lying about the numbers. the real death toll is at least 40% (potentially 3-4x) higher than the official count.

Cringe OP and lack of links. Marked F, must do better desu

Attached: Karen has concerns.jpg (457x472, 88.02K)

Fresh links
>Ofcom Updates UK Study of 5G Emissions – Yeah, it’s Still SAFE

>UK: Three Middle Eastern men to stand trial for false imprisonment and rape

>We need to talk about the uncomfortable link between obesity and coronavirus

Why does Pube go quiet when you rightly mention he's a Jew?
Why does Pube LARP as a woman and like to talk about dicks?
Why does Pube LARP as a man of action and spend 16+ hours a day on brit/pol/?
Why does Pube project him being a virgin and incel on everyone?
Why has Pube never shown up for a fight?
Why when fronted to fight does he give a road with no houses or give a house number?
Why does anyone even bother with him any more?
Why do you get sucked in by his weak bait?
Why the fuck do you reply to him?

It is very important to drink a lot of water everyday, lads

what is wrong with British people? Some are good people but some (Mostly people with Anglo features) have the least amount of loyalty to their race or land out of anyone in the world. Is this because they are Germanic and don't see themselves the same as the Celtic working class? Why do Anglos have no tribal instinct?

Beautiful lad

Here's Yorkshire today

Attached: bradfordyorkshire.png (640x480, 179.2K)

When are you going to tell us of your political opinions, child?

Attached: 3432.jpg (210x251, 29.12K)

>Celtic working class

Don't use such a cool looking mudslime in your propaganda, retard. Use a bucktoothed savage or something instead

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>Coronavirus has mutated to become far deadlier in Europe than the milder strain that made its way to the US west coast, Chinese study claims

>US oil prices turn negative as demand dries up
meaning they pay you to take the gas?

>Why do Anglos have no tribal instinct?
I think we do but it is very taboo to openly express it outside of things like sport. We've had decades of propaganda against anything that resembles 'racism' and not only from our country but exposure to the same propaganda from American media.

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I am a conservative and I really dislike the ideas of manifest destiny and colonial independence.
How can I cheer you up?

The anglo-sphere is lost.
Too many immigrants. The only thing left to do is destroy the system that has turned ethnic brits into slaves, while making our taxes fund our own replacement and muslims grooming gangs.

>responding to a memeflag

Attached: hmmm.png (420x420, 9.29K)

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The hidden Yas Forums server link is discord gg nDHF58
Join before we close the invites. We will interview Nigel Farage this week.

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we're fucked. the uk strain is definitely deadlier than any other strain out there.

Attached: uk stats.png (392x547, 24.3K)

We don't call it gas, as it's clearly a liquid.

Attached: NotProud.png (281x459, 96.17K)

>Beautiful lad
>Here's Yorkshire today
It needs a nuke.

Anyone who works and pays taxes is a piece of shit.
Stop working for dollars and earn cryptocurrency, the central banks and IMF are funding our replacement.

Useless cunts

So you hate teh USA and think we should be a british colony again?
Okay, thanks for responding.

Are Eathan

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He's actually right though

her parents are immigrants though so unless they had her when they were 90...

Nah west coast got the s strain last year. Usc report matches that theory. We need to start walling off states

not sure you can lad, but it's okay, you tried and I certainly appreciate it.

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Sounds like satire doesn't it

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ere thats the knob calling himself 'slim and muscular'

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Can't tell at The Guardian tbhwy mate.

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He's redpilled.

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No I did not say that, liven yourself up already come on!
Well you are amazing either way, be strong lad!

im going to say the unthinkable here: windrush was not the problem.

jamaican blacks have been been good for the culture of this country, and they never created half the tensions that the later and ongoing paki colonosiation has brought.

Windrush brought sounds system culture, bus drivers and nurses, and hardworking grandpas. Loads of them also came from the time when immigration, meant integration. Also, their numbers wer stable and steady.

The pakis, on the other hand, have had a completely brutal and negative effects on our lands, I'm sure I dont need to tell you lads that, and whats more, they're the ones whose numbers are fucking skyrocketing. They are here to take over in a way the windursh guys had no interest in.

Attached: WeWuzCheddarManz.png (783x911, 505.16K)

>huge jay leno chin
>ashamed to be (((white)))
Just another lying kike bitch

>jamaican blacks have been been good for the culture of this country

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Into the chamber pal

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Thats got to be a parody account

That twitter post was from the aftermath of the UK general election btw.

You've just outed yourself, yardie

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Negrolithic man


Favourite film lads?
>The Dark Knight
>Taxi Driver
Probably mine.