Why do jews and muslims hate eachother so much?

why do jews and muslims hate eachother so much?

Attached: Screenshot 2020-04-21 at 15.56.29.png (212x218, 81.17K)

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Because they're so similar, they hate proves they're not though.

Cain vs. Abel
Brothers make the worst enemies.

This and both of their religions tell them that they are gods chosen people and everyone else is inferior.

Why should they be so different than anyone else? Everyone hates Semites. Even Semites.

Even niggers hate niggers.

Palestine occupation. Also, Jews are full of themselves believing they are God's chosen people.

They don't, Islam is Jewish from the ground up, it's just a tool for the Jews to mix goyim thus creating a races who's best feat is to work

Family feud.

No no no no. Muslims are blacks that have realized jews are evil. Jews raped Persian culture for 1000s of years and muslims are the leftover bastard children who now hate jews. All liberal blacks will eventually become muslim, as they learn to hate the lying jew. Unfortunately this is a war forced on peaceful white people, as are trying to make all whites into black. It's hard for jews or blacks to be good.

daily reminder you are all inferior. if mudslimes and the muh aryan races are supreme, why are you not running things and calling the shots. you are all pathetic cattle

We tried to globalize hummus.


Post milkers

Nepotism and lies

Because we are capable of whats called Restraint. Try saying the word kike: restraint. Even animals agree to not hurt each other, why cant you kikes?

inferior creature governed by its own cum. pathetic. this is the Aryan race
if these Gentiles are so superior, why cant they team up and try to conquer things. They are too animal like and selfish. They always fight with each other like the niggers that they are. And you can go cuddle with your friends fagot.

Jews are unnecessarily cowardic, because a lot of them use their religion as an ends to a means. Christianity was the distillation of unnecessary bullshit from the actual spirit and virtue it possessed.

He says here Abraham Isaac and Jacob

Again teamwork, not intelligence, Jews have a high verbal iq and are tribalistic af, that's why they started every war in the last few hundred years, while working their schemes to disfranchise, the white men

Or over pompous, depends on the jew

Ok titlet

Are you maliciously gaslighting, taking sick delight in your hypocrisy? or are you really that blind to yourself and in extreme denial? Hells not actually forever Kike, you oughta be a good man anyways someday you'll get out of the pit. Or do they suck you back into Hellfire if you do a good deed?

Attached: road runner.jpg (1400x1400, 133.69K)

They aren't brothers but cousins.
Arabs/Muslims descended from Ishmael and Jews descended from Isaac, both were the sons of Jacob, making them cousins.

Your own hubris keeps you shackled far more effectively than any demon.

Jews hate Christian white people even more

>Middle East: exists for thousands of years
>jews decide they want an ethnostate there and Brits run it for them
>heh nothin personnel
>Brits exit
>Jews go to war day 1
>proceed to agitate, attack, and disrupt every country there

The Jew cries in pain as he strikes you

arguing with you is like talking to a cow, i wont waste any more time talking to degenerate Gentiles. just remember this, the whole world is our bitch

Believe me, Jews hate Christians more, with a multi-layered, spiritual, religious, historical fashion.

So much so they are using their blood and are immune to the law if they kill a christian.

If jews were so superior then why don't they ever seem capable of self reflection? Why is it the few jews who develop this ability are cried down as heretics, self hating jews, and ignored? They sign their own death warrant every time and at this point it's actually kinda sad to watch.

This faggy post is the equivalent of flipping over the chess board because you're losing.
JK you don't know how to play chess.

Two inbreds arguing over a sandpit