Can we just nuke america?

World's average IQ would rise massively

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>Having room to talk shit

Why wouldn't I? Our response to pandemic was amongst the best in the world and we are slowly returning to normal, whilst americans will probably spend the rest of the summer at home and complain about their own faggotery

you can try slavshit

The protesters are exercising their freedom of speech and the right to peacefully protest. There is a risk for infection yes, but freedom doesn't come cheap or easy.

Slavniggers aren’t white

My house has richer history than your country

>right to be retarded

Fixed that for you.

The world would also be less dramatic of their mentally ill drama antics and media would be better.

you can enjoy your lockdown

My state has already peaked and we haven't even reached 1k deaths.

good for zou. get ready for the second wave tho

How does the boot taste? Tyrant's like you wont make it to 2021.

Neither are you.

retards like you won't make it past coronavirus

>muh second wave
>two more weeks

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Never expected my Slovak brothers to wish death upon us. Sure you are White?

>governments asking people to stay in doors to stop spread of virus
americans are so braindead

don't call us brothers. we don't fraternize with niggers or thier owners

Cope, slavnigger.

>Why wouldn't I?

>I was the goodest goy and listened to what my master's told me!
>I didnt die from a virus that wouldnt have killed me anyways!
>I obey hate speech laws, cant own firearms without going through an expensively prohibitive process, I cant question the holocaust, and I cant assemble without permission!
Imagine being proud of being a conditioned cuck like this.

being anti-America is a fairly white trait, mate

with redneck's behaviour, second wave is just what you've come to expect. even if one state eradicates it, all it takes is few freedom fighters and it's all back again

Boot licker

we don't need firearms. most of us can solve problems with words, not bullets

Lol my family came from Kosice kike. Just because you live in a White man's country doesn't make you White.


eastern slovakia is infested with gypsies and hungarians. if you have any of them in your lineage I reckon you kill yourself and protect the civilized world

Cant wait for you to change your tune when russia inevitably btfos your entire region once we collapse.

>get called a nigger by a nigger

I like you

are there any whites left?

As if Bratislava is not a shithole. At least Kosice has clean beautiful cultural center.

Yes, but not in your "country"

If you're in a state with hardly any cases it doesn't make any sense to shut everything down. America isn't a little island where the virus can fester.

then where are they? in your ass?

The word slave is derived from slav

>le ebin grade school retort
I guess that goes along with a grade school intellect

the word dickhead is derived form memeflag

Do you even have nukes?

Fucking kek, there are ten cities in America with a higher population than your entire country. Your country isn't even a century old.

You can't end it by being thrown in the cuckshed. When you open up it'll flare up again. So either you are locked up until the vaccine comes out or you let it run its course. You've been played by your (((media, experts and government elites))). Sorry.