@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>TrumpTweet: Obama Proud of Biden 4/20/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/20/20
>VP Pence @FEMA HQ 4/20/20
>Black Voices for Trump Real Talk Online w/Hurr Katrina! 4/20/20
>AgSec GrandpaSonny on Spicer&Co 4/20/20
>AgSec GrandpaSonny on FoxNews 4/20/20
>DPAPolCoord Navarro on Dobbs 4/20/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/20/20
>NECDir Kudlow on Bloomberg 4/20/20
>SrAdviser2PresTrump Hassett on FBN 4/20/20
>WBGPres Malpass on FBN 4/20/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on YESWe'reHere 4/20/20
>NIAIDDir Fauci on GMA 4/20/20
>Trump2020StratCommsDir Lotter on America 1st w/Gorka 4/20/20
>Trump2020SrAdvisor Schlapp on OAN 4/20/20
>KAC outside WH 4/20/20
>KAC on FoxNews 4/20/20
>ThiccSarah on F&F 4/20/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (UndDefSec4A&S Lord) 4/20/20

OP pastebin:

Attached: nancy antoinette.webm (554x720, 1.91M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Here's the video in question, OP pic is also a video


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Israel formed a government!

Netanyahu will remain as prime minister, and his party will be in charge of public security and Jerusalem affairs.

Blue and White will be in charge of foreign affairs, and Labour will be in charge of the economy.

An 18-month rotation between Netanyahu and Gantz will take place in the premiership.

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NANI? is terry crews really that based?

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That's one of the best attack ads I've ever seen. Pelosi is such a senile old demon.

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oh no no no

>Perpetuating fake history commie falsehoods
u all make me sick

how dare

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He is a former porn addict from what I heard.

Having a good time finding a wife, anons?

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Who cares about the fridge? Are people just going to pretend that a guy like trump or any filthy rich person for that matter doesn't have multiple expensive homes with multiple expensive fridges?

Terry Cruz is a devout Anti-Porn advocate. he's a pretty based guy.

What a terrible ad. What is funny is that Antoinette never said "let them eat cake"

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This is your country on a parliamentary system.

get off my internet connection, snoopy. fuck off

I'm divorced, but I did make 1 white baby.


haha fuckboomers.clickbait
>unfunded liabilities worsen
>national debt insurmountable
>no chance of outpacing interest
>last capital flight for decades
>not even oil is safe
>last chance to flatline spending
But anyway haha fuck boomers amirite? Now they can't retire and won't open up any new positions. Their desperation will lead them to deepen their need to outsource and cut corners. Keynesian cunts will ramp up another stock bubble asap.
But fuck boomers amirite fellow zoomies?

I get the sense that a major change in social strata will arise from this. Some people of all ages understand America is a plutocracy. Now everyone will suffer economic disadvantages together. The divide between the workers and the parasites will deepen. Their reliance on drugs and crime to cope with despair will increase greatly.
I think this will kill the effectiveness of identity politics. Women are the majority voters and they want rich men. The people in the middle want stability. Freedom means nothing to the plebs. We caste system now.

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You know, the trite "blame Russia" line was overplayed back in 2016, but seeing @Partisangirl (a Russian mouthpiece) announcing a hacking (watch it turn out to be Fancy Bear) just makes me think Putin has too much talent at his disposal.

>Missing the entire fucking point.
Why is she blocking bills that will help small businesses during mandatory shutdowns?

> commie falsehoods
Not a commie falsehood, an aristocratic falsehood as such stories were created by their very own detractors in the palace and courts of France.

The royalty had it coming tho, waging foreign wars and proxy wars (like the American Revolution) at great expense of their own public treasure. Americans certainly can understand the mindset, given that the US empire is making the exact same mistake as we speak

It's because Pelosi is a career politician, she shouldn't be as rich as she is. No one blinks at Trump having gold furniture, everyone knows how he got it. It's more like the Bernie Sanders having 3 houses thing, Bernie isn't a successful businessman or investor. He didn't earn those houses, they were paid with taxpayer and donor funding.

Sure sure, you're not wrong, but the story was seized on by the commies before commieism. I would certainly fall into the faction of Americans who wanted an independent America for the sake of America, not for the abolition of monarchy.

> The divide between the workers and the parasites will deepen
You surely mean whites and non whites.

>Women are the majority voters and they want rich
> men

Go fuck your wife.

Attached: AlbedoFdGplussomeotherchick.png (2070x1070, 2.26M)

also, I always crack up when trumo tweets her

Attached: Screenshot from 2020-04-21 20-31-32.png (601x390, 70.44K)

>user, I have no clue what you're actually saying, a Federalised Europe fundamentally wouldn't work and I think most people know it. A confederacy of European Nations however?
user, that's failing as we speak. They put in charge of it the woman who ultimately destroyed the Bundeswehr. The EU is a graveyard for the careers of politicians too incompetent to misgovern in their own states where they might cause actual harm.

Lol. Getting my Dem dad to vote Trump in PA.

Even Biden is too retarded for him

The fact is that even if Marie Antoinette did nothing wrong, Nancy Pelosi did.

Attached: AmericanFlagBikiniBH.png (771x829, 541.73K)

>You know, the trite "blame Russia" line was overplayed back in 2016, but seeing @Partisangirl (a Russian mouthpiece)

You can blame Russia or you can be a Russian mouthpiece … but you can't be both.

Yes. All politics are based on identity.

The French aristocrats of the period were indolent and stupid but their successors were so much worse.

Nice, user

for real?

Did i miss the big announcement yesterday?!
It was patriots day and Q promised big news, what was it?

Only de Sade has any problem.

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> the story was seized on by the commies before commieism
Meh, the french revolution was pretty much a circular firing squad that lasted a couple of decades (?) until Napoleon became arguably the last true emperor ever to rise in Europe, establishing his government through the right of conquest

> I would certainly fall into the faction of Americans who wanted an independent America for the sake of America, not for the abolition of monarchy.
Even if Washington had accepted to become America's monarch, without doing like our Afonso Henriques or France's Napoleon and promptly waged a war of conquest spanning as much land as he could possibly defend the US would end up exactly where they are now, except more like Spanish Monarchy of the king being the designated spitting target for the populace (instead of the president)


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Yea, he wanted Buttfagg.

They make a huge mistake by nominating this retard. Guy has no chance.

Is Kim Jong Un Kill or Naw?

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The decline of Europe to that point in many aspects was terribly unfortunate and the eventual political consequences were disasterous. Murderous marxists still look up to the terrible idiots of then. Having a figurehead of a nation regardless of political affiliation is positive, I think. It promotes tradition. England has many traditions that died in much of Europe after the pre-marxist marxism spread out of France.

> The fact is that even if Marie Antoinette did nothing wrong
Oh, but they did. Napoleon proved not long after how mighty the French could have been had the French aristocracy not been a bunch of powder pasting wig wearing effeminate pederasts

Why would your dad want a queer?

come back when trump rehires /ourgoofball/ Spice man

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De Sade was hardly alone. If you want to read intellectual degeneracy, de Sade's literary predecessor, Nicholas Chorier, wrote some elaborate Latin prose in the Satyra Sotadica. Adrian Beverland (pic related, with prostitute) was quite the trip too.

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I don't know. All I know is that Biden is losing PA worse than Clinton.

Nancy got bucketloads of icecream while Trump only got 2 scoops

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Your father would vote for a literal homo.
F for your family, user.


>But But But her husband is a successful real estate developer that's why she has so much money!!

I'd be extremely wealthy too if I was married to a prominent congressperson.

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Remember when Republican'ts had a cry over 4 Dead Americans in a foreign country demanding investigations, that later turned up nothing.

I hope Reupblikkkans are as enthusiastic about such investigations over 50,000 dead Americans on American soil due to negligence.

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>Trying this hard.

but George Washington was the last great president the US had. and he should have waged a war of conquest to wipe out the filthy Spanish plague south of the Rio Grande.