Why does the common Jew look absolutely disgusting, like a rodent, spider, goblin or troll. You look at them and immediately feel disgust and anguish. Why is this ? Am I just evil aryan wacist or could there be something deeper behind this?
Why does the common Jew look absolutely disgusting, like a rodent, spider, goblin or troll...
Centuries of inbreeding. I'm 100% serious. Ashkenazim are basically a one large family, very smart but with absolute shitload of genetic defects. Tay sachs etc.
I guess it's also reflected by their culture...
>Why does the common Jew look absolutely disgusting, like a rodent, spider, goblin or troll. You look at them and immediately feel disgust and anguish. Why is this ?
Same reason why you feel uncomfortable when you see a spider. You ancestors that didn't feel uncomfortable around spiders got bit and died, the ones that felt unnerved avoided them and survived.
Visceral hatred of kikes preserves civilizations.
This sorry assed photoshop again?
It's not how people look, its their evil in their soul. Flooding Europe with millions of moslem rapist and murderers that do nothing but feed at the public largess like tape worms (mostly, as a people I'm talking and not all) is what makes these folks wicked and unfit to be in the West.
I'd like to say it's a curse laid upon them by God for murdering his Son. But the inbreeding certainly didn't help.
They're also genetically predisposed to a whole smorgasbord of psychological issues, it's why so many psychopaths are jews.
Schulz isnt Jewish. Just a drunkard deadbeat
They are nepotists because they fear living outside of their ingroup. THEY FEAR IT more than ANYTHING.
My God their genes are fucked
I agree. They wear their sins - as we ALL do.
this is a major reason not to live bad... it shows. you can pick the evil ones out - most of the time.
physiongnomy is real for sure.
Orcs man.
God gives you the face you deserve.
Which one wore it better
Some Jews genuinely wish to repent of this and become Christian. But you run the risk of them doing this in order to weaken the Church from within. Good Conversos are great (like Saint John of the Cross) but the bad ones are awful (like the bishops and cardinals responsible for the Second Vatican Council).
What about this eagle-head?
Yes, a desert genie put a hex on them for killing his jewish carpenter son. That makes a lot more sense than centuries of selective-breeding.
This is your brain on christfaggotry.
Thanks for the chuckle.
no no... a BIG BAAAANG happened and then everything just began... and then slime became fish became monkeys became YOU.
and you wrote that post by yourself! smart guy!
Yeah, you're right, the earth is only 6000yrs old and was created in 7 days.
I actually feel sorry for him. What did he do to deserve this?
Yeah I don't like it either.
But you know damn well, doesn't matter what happened, only story you're going to find is
black hebrew israelite happened methinks
no no. it was 6 bazillion years .. 6 gorillian years...... and it was veeeeery different back then... with lakes OF FIRE
Also stay away from Antarctica. nothing there. no fedoras to be found down there. Stay where you can get a nice Asian wife and a bunch of candy and beer. SCIENCE!
Frankenstein levels of inbreeding. They're a different breed. Nothing like wild type whites.
Zoomies fear the word of God.
Because they are descendants of fallen angels
He's genetically Jewish
You're probably right. And even if what said was the truth, most likely another group will take the blame.
Highest percentage of Neanderthal DNA
>jesus was a jew
Yeah, no
The evolutionary psychology of facial beauty.
These shills post retarded shit on purpose to demoralize the board
I don't even know what. Okay man, sounds good?
it's the nature's way of warning people of danger
>And even if what said was the truth, most likely another group will take the blame.
it is the truth.
and god said let their be light, (big bang) and then he created each animal gradually day by day, he didnt poof them into existence, last was man(kind of like evolution). the idea that the bible should be interpreted literally is a new concept and one pushed by kikes to create a false dichotomy between science and Christianity.
Ever logically wonder what makes a kike so evil? Be careful not to become one, by fighting back in any way they choose. "envy though not the oppressor and choose none of its ways." It's hard for a kike to be good. Why? A kike is an undead, soulless. Inside these NPCs is not the internal dialogue of a soul with freewill, nor is it silence, it is a prison of screaming fallen ghosts. They will be in the lower realms for a long time, and want YOU, to join them! If jews woke up, they would be good servants and willing slaves to Humans, and get back to being a real human. This is why they corrupt people ethically, then they, the legion of fallen ones, gain more and more access to that persons mind. They pass down to thier jew children, or try to drive out the soul if it has one... Why? For the unclean spirits to pass down the bloodline, as in generational demonology. Why? To feel, to have sense organs again in the physical world. Jews are on the same level as an animal, and they get tossed around, animal, hell, ghost, demon, for a long time. Many mistakenly think its eternal, so they give up on hope and love, which is a mistake. They ought to still do even the tiniest good deed, but they'd be punished for being good, and its so painful, no one can blame them. So endure my good men, real men, with restraint, and know that each time a jew offends you, it will burn that much longer in Hell, and we will be free of them then.
lovely artwork btw. thanks for the images
Can a Somalian decide he's not a nigger?
You can't change your race. Schulz is a Jew.
I like this common ground. thank you for your insight bro.
What a clusterfuck.
>History of psychosis, off his meds
>Smoked mary-jah-wanna, the horror
>Scoured internet for victims
>Found one hour later, covered in blood with a fucking 18" machete under the drivers seat
Fucking hell.
Ye, Jews so ugly.
Yup yip.
Holy reasonableness.
These are important thoughts.
The Word does not conflict with truth.
But sometimes science has not yet discovered the whole truth.