Which is worse for the economy of europe

Asylum seekers Or Romani gypsies?

How do Gypsies react to refugees? Do they fight a lot?

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>do they fight a lot?

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Gypsies can’t be bad for anything. I would take 1000 Gypsies over 1 shitskin anyday. The most beautiful women in the world.

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Any documentary on their parasitic lifestyle would prove your simp dreams wrong

t. toastie roastie who believes in “””documentaries”””

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>Asylum seekers
Romas have been here forever, they dont change a bit. They also dont want anything to do with us, they dont care about rights they just need to be respected and left alone to their own devices,
being street vendors,stealing begging, thats it.

The invaders have other plans, they want to take over.
Im all for gypsies when it comes to asylum seekers.

You are a shitskin


t. Simp that doesn't believe in crime stats

Lol, you have clearly never met a true gypsy.

How do the asylum seekers interact with gypsies? I've seen that gypsies tend to commit crimes and steal

Like do they just ignore each other, or do they compete?

Based. They just want to sing and dance, maybe will try to snag your wallet and always your heart. I’d take that over a shitskin trying to take your head and your wife anyday.

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And attack cops and destroy property, and commit domestic abuse; ya know the usual

Even the normiest normies hate gypsies. How did they manage that?

Ahmed getting nervous huh? The Gypsies will and should replace you. They are European, you are not.

They seem pretty based, and don’t commit much violent crime compared to nigs and spics.


Because they’re gay.

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You're right, they commit much much more

you dont fuck around with the gypsies the end.
I am guessing they meet up in certain situations invoving drug trafficking or gun sales, but the Romas, have a very closed community no one is allowed in. Even the police in order to go in some of the camps, needs to talk first with some leaders.
If you care to see some no go zones in Athens suburb Zefyri

i have friends that go in there and work with the gypsies (doctors etc) you need to have a special permitt from some families or get shot.

Toss them both out. Why take a chance?

And you don't see this as a problem? That sounds just as shitty as having economic refugees

Damn they look like Indo-Romanian mestizas

Nope, European anons here can confirm that Gypsies mind their own business and at least don’t rape and murder.

You are gay if you think this should be tossed out.

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They're both awful and they WILL fight each other.

I've seen it happen when I was visiting my sister in the Helsinki area.

And the Finn gypsies the same pajeet-derivative as the Roma?
How exactly do they fight? Over drug and weapon trafficking?

This, americans will never, ever understand the gypsy blight we have in every single european country.

Your idea of confirmation is as weak as your simp cope

>Do they fight
It’s a larp, they are the biggest cowards in the world

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Mutt say woman in pic is beautiful.
wow really proves what a Mutt you are.

>t. toastie roastie who believes in “””documentaries”””
Go fuck yourself you fucking baboon you are in every gypsy thread my life is a documentary the first time I was mugged i was 6 and they put a knife to my neck for a fucking chocolate bar

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He's just a simp, ignore him

How do gypsies in Germany interact with refugees? Are they the off brand pajeet that you see in Romania?

The woman he posted doesn’t look Romanian mix at all. That is a purest Hindu phenotype, and she is cherrypicked anyway. Most are uglier darker with missing teeth.

Give me some stories about these guys

Are they worse than refugees?

How do you think they'll interact with the rapefugees?

No, in the streets.

arent gypsies indians? just indians with jazz hands

>Are they the off brand pajeet that you see in Romania?
Thats all they fucking are

You are dangerously naive.

Not here, idk about refugees but I hear in Britain they do fight with local pakis kek

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>Give me some stories about these guys
>Are they worse than refugees?
Refugees are way more dangerous, gypsies historically are just petty thieves and outcasts they are just parasitic losers . A lot of refugees are fucking isis fighters who ve been decapitating people for sport not long ago, gypsies have been in europe for hundreds of years and they never massed raped women in the open like refugees do. The worst thing is that gypsies started larping as arabs and also started playing the victim card like niggers

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They don’t look like Indians at all.

Call me a simp, I will wear the label proudly for something this beautiful.

And your post proves you’re a roastie.

Sorry about that, but you’re alive right? A nog would have made sure that wasn’t the case.

No, they are not Indians.

You are paranoid about beautiful women.

Finally you see the light. Gypsies are nowhere near as bad as shitskins, and don’t vomit violent crimes, thanks for admitting it.

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>Romani gypsies
dont call them ''romani'' you piace of shit, i am tired of all quarter brain inbreeds thinking that ''roma'' means romanian.

You can take all of them shitskin, you would make me a favor.

What's stopping you from going over there and shacking up with one

I bet as American with even decent money you'd have all the pajeet she witches trying really hard to suck your dick at whatever village you went to lol

There's actually a lot of animosity. I guess they're funneling the centuries of rage at being the lower class on someone they finally perceive to be lower than them. And the migrants are lower than them, let's be clear. Heard a story that a group of gypsies straight up mutilated a pack of migrants because they attacked an old lady a few months ago.