How is this even considered offensive?

how is this even considered offensive?

Attached: ZFD52AHRRBC4TEBPBUESM77OZQ.jpg (450x236, 26.6K)

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Because there's a disgusting savage on it

Because brown people are insatiable

Because it's a dairy company and Ojibwa are lactose intolerant.
She belongs on a maple syrup brand. You see, she spreads her legs, pours the maple syrup... and

I can't believe it's not butter.

Because she's a leg amputee.

The poor legless Lass.

Attached: 1585749406709.gif (400x400, 1.25M)

Because a butthurt jewish liberal decided on behalf of natives who didnt actually give a shit it was offensive and probably started a Facebook protest campaign

A brown bitch on her knees, begging for BWC in exchange for buttery goodness.

I mean, she's literally begging for it

Attached: 41h2Y-A0rLL._AC_UY445_.jpg (187x445, 11K)

Understand image related, and you'll understand clown world.

Attached: truth.jpg (1237x495, 266.76K)

Indians should not be portrayed as attractive, nor producers of anything useful. We need to show the real natives as drunken off the rez degenerates. Take that white America!

And now native Americans are being erased from history

Weak people are easily offended

No participation trophies, broski.
The redskins lost the war.
See: Confederate statues

ey cuzzin lookin cyoot

I'd scalp her if you know what I mean.


Pretty much this. Leftists have to ruin things that don't even concern them, or that the "marginalized" people they pretend to protect.

Really activates the almonds

Attached: 1579105569237.jpg (203x250, 6.22K)

>No participation trophies
See; casinos and reservations

It isn't, but Natives are being bred into extinction and Yanks want to wipe their presence from history. In generations to come children won't be taught who was slaughtered to claim America, because history will only go back as far as the settlers who established it.

Saw the new box at the grocery store... It looks weird. They should of put a political statement in place of Indian girl. You know because the vegan psychos who were offended only eat penis butter... it’s not like they were customers

god i wish i was a brutish colonist pillaging and RAPING every native girl i see i just wanna COOOOM in EVERY single native girl

>they got rid of the Indian and kept its land

Here’s the brain power behind that Forged the decision

>Leftists try to remove all minorities from any product that isn’t explicitly created by that minority
>Will bitch later that there isnt enough minority representation

>people look for butter with indian woman on it
>Can't find it
>Racists to blame
Throwing away your branding is a fucking retarded idea & I'm sure they're doing it to tank the company on purpose. There's no other explanation.

Because you can use the box to make porn. Cut two side panels of the box that show the girl. Cut the tiny box she is holding so it can be flipped upward to open. Now, cut the knees off the other picture, and tape them behind where you have the flap. Turn it over, open the flap. Surprise!

probably some narrative about capitalism exploiting POC and some tears over Wounded Knee

Going through puberty before the advent of internet porn gave way to so much creativity and ingenuity. That's all gone, now. No wonder they're coming up retarded, now.

Like usual the right fails to see opportunity. Demand/ask them to put up a picture of a blonde hair blue eyed woman. Watch the left now screech it should be a minority up there after the left demanded the minority be removed.

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