Why are Americans afraid of good trigger discipline?

Any time a liberal has a gun, their finger is ready to blow off their knees or their mommies head. But a conservative will only fire when they intend to. Why does this control destroy the liberal mind?

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Most people around the world dont know what trigger discipline is really. It is a made up word made up by Americans who carry guns everywhere including mcdonalds, public toilets, banks, streets, etc.

Is not like people with guns are holding their guns with a finger next to the trigger while they walk, they are taking a picture and they aren’t pressing the trigger, stop being an autistic retard crying “MUH TRIGGER DISCIPLINE” ! Nobody fucking cares. For starters no one should care weapons , that’s what you should be concerned about , idiots carrying weapons not “trigger discipline” bullshit.

>Why does this control destroy the liberal mind?
Because it puts a mirror to their projections and shows them that they are the demons

Or it would if they were capable of introspection

* no one should carry weapons

Stop being autistic and complaining about how people hold weapons while taking pictures.

People should not carry weapons that’s the biggest issue. You are so autistic that you cannot see the forest for the trees.

This, so much this. We need to take guns out of the hands of normal people. You don't need an ar15 machinegun. We have cops for a reason.

Nah, you should be concerned about fucking with me or mine you incredible faggot.

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>This, so much this.
Almost fell for it.

Your weak and your ancestors are crying in shame. Pussy.

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Global rule 2 kid

We get it, you're a faggot who doesn't like guns. In the US where we do like guns however we like the people operating those guns to show they know how, and one of the most telling signs is if their finger is on the trigger or not

Typical European mindset.

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as always kids LARPing with guns, but never have the balls to use them, all talk no action little cucklets

Imagine being so paranoid you have to carry a gun to MCDONALDS, LOL where do you live, nnguy? in a third world country xD

>We have cops for a reason.

Yeah like killing innocent people and then covering it up and letting real criminals run free.

Euros are such fucking pussies.

Do crimes never happen in McDonalds? What technology do they have that prevents this and why aren't more places using it?

>You don’t need an ar15 machinegun.

What a fag you are

sucks to be paranoid and living in a third world state, pal :/

Their fingers aren't on the triggers. What's the problem?

Do crimes never happen in McDonalds though?


Do you have a loicense for that anti-asian rhetoric?


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>Any time a liberal has a gun, their finger is ready to blow off their knees or their mommies head.
Because they have no experience or training with firearms.

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hownew.ru? Fucking underageb& zoomers lads

>weapon pointed directly at his buddy's foot

Showing up to a rally carrying guns is gay as fuck. It's cringey. None of those faggots are prepared to defend the Second Amendment. It's just LARP'ing.

American right wingers have no selfawarness. It's all about fulfiling their rambo fantasy,

Kek, I'm not one for rules. I've been on here for atheist 8 years, I've never once read rules. Stop being such an sjw.

>user broke the rules.

No wonder Canada is such a weak place with sorry ass pussies. Jesus did your ancestors care about rules. Weak, fucking weak.

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I too, am ashamed to see these men brandishing weapons while wearing no armor

Know its our ancient ancestors trying to make us men instead of controlled weaklings.

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Have you seen the niggers chimp out in fast food chain videos? No? Then shut the fuck up eurofag.

My guy, the world has watched your countries turn into Muslim shit holes. Not only have you been BTFO by Americans, but now you have lost to Muslim apologists. Get wrecked faggot

oh wow you're so cool

This is why you are sheep. The mentality of the defenseless

>8 years
So you found Yas Forums when you were six?

You don't do it because you're paranoid, you do it because you can

Stfu leaf. Keep sucking and that maple moose cock, Dudley Do Right