Rhodesia Required Reading

Educating myself on Rhodesia and looking for one biased Rhodesian source, one biased Mugabe/Zimbabwe source and one objective source. Any suggestions?

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why, it's a dead country

It’s important to learn history, and it’s an interesting topic. You have some who claim it was an apartheid state who oppressed the black majority, and some who say it was the best thing to happen to Africa until it fell. We as a board should try to learn from that.

>It’s important to learn history

it's a piece of history that should be forgotten by all. It does not potray white people in any type of possitive light, the things us conscripts were forced to do in the SADF were horrific and below nigger tier.

>You have some who claim it was an apartheid state

Our initiation involved patrolling townships every night to try keep the peace, shooting little black kids playing outside was forced onto us. "it helps dehumanize them, making killing them easier and more effective".

Rhodesia was a huge mistake.

John Alan Coey.

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Bump for knowledge. Keep making good threads!

>American fought in Rhodesia Bush War

The Great Betrayal: The Memoirs of Ian Douglas Smith

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See that actually does sound interesting to study, like a state wide decent into Conrad's HOD.

Now give the fag some sources.

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Sounds like the Rhodesians got it right.

Africa by Toto is written from the perspective of a Rhodesian Soldier.

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>Sounds like the Rhodesians got it right.

Sure, and how's that working out for whites now? my little brother was murdered by a bomber terrorist in harare along with many other children. It's fun to larp about slavery & killing kids as initiation until it's reality and in your face.

Thread theme.


>t. Bantu

not about Rhodesia but still.

Checked, and bump. This sounds like an interesting thing to read about.

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I'm sorry the rest of the world abandoned you, nay opposed you, but a loss doesn't mean the whole idea is bad. We can bring back slavery if we get enough people on board.

>t. Larping fat ass whos only combat he's seen is wiping his obese ass.

This was written last week detailing what occurred:

You're welcome.

>wiping his obese ass.
it IS a life-threatening calistenics as well as biohazard

Okay Bantu.

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The Farmer at War is extremely good and available online in a PDF

Now how do we make it happen in the US?


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ive been researching Rhodesia all day. very interesting

Any good documentary links?

it was the best thing in africa
Britain destroyed it because it wanted independence, it was a war that lasted 30 years, Britain is the cancer of the world

History reviewed channel.
Google it.

> t. Nigger