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I've just been burning my garbage. You're not essential, Julio.

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pretty sure you guys can sue anything and get millions out of it. this would make a few ppl rich while destroying the lives of many other workers who will lose their job

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Shut the fuck up, wagie. If any random worker can sue for being made to do their job just because they got the cold then supply chains will collapse and you'll be in a much worse situation than just having a viral infection with a 0.000001% mortality rate.

For his next trick... he will opening up the country!

So, when you boss says "go to work of your fired".... you gotta go!

Gubernment can't tell me what to do.
But my boss can!
Good luck libertarian cucks!

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thank god!
I mean you have to think about what's important here

You're being sarcastic but the supply chains are way more important than people getting sick with a mild flu.

>Trump aims
>Trump intends
>Trump considers
>Trump mulls over
>Trump proposes
>Trump threatens
>Trump promises
oh man holy heck friggin based awoo can't wait maga he'll follow through this time for sure

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it would be retarded to sue for that
the left is just literally finding any possible reason to screech about the economy improving because they need the US to crash and burn just to get at trump
it's clear they are traitors and if people don't get it by now they are fucking retarded and shouldn't have a right to vote, let alone any other rights

oh wait i misread what the article said. he's gonna fuck over workers who get sick lmao. wow well if it's something gay and harmful to the average pleb then i take it back. expect this to be signed into law ASAP

>signed into law ASAP
it shouldn't have to be, i think most judges would throw cases out on their ass but who knows with how fucking nuts judges have gotten and how insanely loose our torts are

>Yes we're going to force you to work
>Yes we fully expect you're going to be contracting the global pandemic
>No companies will not be increasing your wage for hazard pay
>No companies will have no responsibility to cover you medically despite being the ones who put you at risk
>This is fine

Boot lickers out in full force today

>Boot lickers
wouldn't those be the faggots demanding everyone get locked in their houses for big daddy government just so a few boomers can live out their pensions

>Shut the fuck up, wagie. If any random worker can sue for being made to do their job just because they got the cold then supply chains will collapse and you'll be in a much worse situation than just having a viral infection with a 0.000001% mortality rate.

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>quotes entire comment
>doesn't post an argument
>posts generic wojack image #438948
too easy to spot

But if someone trips on my front sidewalk they can sue my insurance, then me.

This isn't free market capitalism.

>vaccine companies put metal nano-particulates in their products which will cause harm when introduced directly into the blood- can't be sued.
>cops regularly overstep their authority, sometimes killing people for not complying with their commands- DAs won't prosecute them or order each cop get liability insurance- taxpayers foot the civil settlements
>politicians routinely commit insider trading, embezzlement, RICO, pay-to-play, and incessantly violate the Law if the Land- THE Constitution- never get sued, but get pensions and cadillac insurance for life

I can go on for a long time, but it's all a game and we're paying spectators.

No it'd be you for supporting Big Line

It shouldn't be allowed. We should have a government that makes sense and that actually looks after it's people instead of muh Dow futures. I hate this fucking planet


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bullshit no one fucking cares anymore and you never did
you need so desperately for this to be a world ending plague and/or for the economy to be shut down until november because you've managed to get your ass so fucking chapped about trump no amount of preparation h will fix it
either that or, worse still, you're actually a fucking retard

Why should companies be responsible for workers getting a cold? If they're worried about the virus they should stay home.

Why does it say he's shielding them in the headline, then below it's the opposite?

>my guberment can do whatever it wants including crashing the economy and printing money
>ill just call those that want to work fascists

What about the USPS Donald. Were on the front lines Donald

You have a right to leave your job. You don't have a right to unconditional employment.

I already had if and turned out fine because I’m a healthy zoomer, so this doesn’t affect me at all. I’m always up for a good protest or rebellion, though.

He literally says there has been no discussion on it and he'll have to talk with folks about the legal side but he wants corporations to be absolved of liability in order to create a strong re-open for the economy.


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the house already put this in the first corona virus stimulus bill at nancy pelosi's demand.

claiming trump has anything to do with this is hilarious, as it's already law.

Yep just keep seething and blubbering. Better yet why don't you and your boomer pals go tramp about your little protest and you can call catch he coof and fucking die. The sooner we drop faggots like you the sooner we can acutally move on to more meaningful politics and battles besides 5G towers and muh communism.
And moreover, you are all coward pieces of shit. You're all willing to literally DIE for the sake of Big Line but I didn't see you motherfuckers out on the street when gay marriage was legalized, as our borders have been invaded, jobs outsourced, white people attacked by kikes. I didn't see you fags when Kate Steinle was murdered, or Molly Tibbets, or for when that kid in Minnesota was yeeted off a balcony in Minnesota by a Somalian.
You're all cowards and literal retard little wind up dolls ready and eager to slurp the shit of Schlomo's boots. By all means, continue your brave protests. I hope you all die.

Attached: aight imma [REDACTED].jpg (1242x684, 118.79K)

no source as usual

nothing you said makes any fucking sense and seems like either a lot of fucking non sequitur, strawmanning, or you are legitimately insane
please never post again or preferably go play in traffic

He wasn't Somalian, it was just a regular mentally I'll native american