Why does everyone think the only options are Capitalism or Communism? That if you hate one you surely LOVE the other? If you complain about how we leave people to die in the street, you hear "COMMIE!!! 8748237489 BILLION DEAD RUSSIANS!!11!!!!1!" If you complain about commie blocks than you here "CAPITALIST PIG BOOTLICKERRRR!!!!111!!"
Why does everyone think the only options are Capitalism or Communism? That if you hate one you surely LOVE the other...
Because you cannot have a conversion about anything or do anything because ACTUAL communists fucks are in the wings pushing for their bullshit.
Every middle ground, hybrid system etc.. is nothing more than capitulating to the left.
See but even your confirmation bias is showing. Its one or the other.
Because it be that way.
Reality is reality, there is not confirmation bias.
In most cases we are only having debates about problems because the left pushed the debate to present their queued up solution.
Just admit you are leftist..
Because capitalism is the best we have currently because it fosters and promotes excellence. The problems is mainly in the details. Also, retards constantly forget that there's a difference between Free Market (As in completely without boundaries) and Capitalism, the former obviously not being a good idea because it can lead to monopolies among other things while Capitalism with a free market system that has sensible, well thought out regulations and laws to prevent monopolies, loopholes and so forth is what we should strive for. Commies try to argue as if it's all the same with no nuance while also forgetting that Communism involves giving up individuality in exchange for a community that works together. This also means all products will more or less be the same, there'll be little variation and a lot of modern products we have today would have to go, because what would be important is the collective and its needs, not the wants and desires of the individual. Furthermore, there'd be no incentive to work harder than anyone else which means you'd slow progress down.
It's hilarious to me that pretty much all commies are the ones that would screech the most if actual communism was put in place, because they'd lose all the things they love essentially, like having bright hair colors, avocado toast, unique clothes, games and so forth. They don't realize that in a communist state, everything would need to be the same, because it's, again, about the collective and demanding unique clothes and the like would go against both the philosophy and the fact that you'd be essentially asking others to work more to satisfy your personal needs.
>because it fosters and promotes excellence
stopped reading here
you're not fooling anyone moshe
Well it does.
Do you actually think that government managing the means of production does those things?
There are natural market processes that fight against monopolies though, they can only collect higher profit margins than the average sector for so long until producers notice the money to be had in that sector and transition towards becoming a producer for that industry.
The hardest monopolies to beat come from government protection/creation. Look at AT&T and all the shit they got away with, look how fast amazon got 2 day delivery at no taxpayer expense when USPS still drives those shitmobiles, unrelated but fuck government.
Communism creeps over capitalism. Capitalism ensures more freedom for individuals but doesn't care about your starting point, your life, or any of that. Communism by default requires more government regulation, and it's very difficult if not impossible to wrest control back from the government once it's taken away.
Do I think farmers should be dumping their excess crop when people are starving? No. Do I think the government should have a say in where that excess goes when it's a national emergency? Yes. But it's not just an emergency, is it? If you give them control now, that excess can go wherever the government wants it to go. They'll pick what restaurants live and die. They'll pick what people live and die. And they'll do it strategically because all they think about is who they want to covertly starve out of existence and who they want to feed.
The pressure needs to be on the farmers to stop being Jews and throwing food out that could save others from starvation. Capitalism's greatest weakness is its overreliance on basic human decency trumping profits
>farmers dumping food
these retards make it sound like theyve already got the stuff packaged up and ready to go to the store and they just dumpster it, not even remotely close.
Milk is being dumped before it is processed, fields are being turned BEFORE they are harvested. Why? Because it would cost the farms a lot of money to actually harvest and process the food that no one will buy. It would but them out of business even faster to do all that work for free.
Welcome to kosher dialectics!
Lmao shouldn't have spent those TrumpBUX on AIR Jordans then!
>gibs me your money or you a Jew
Leftists on Yas Forums in a nutshell
>Implying that potential rewards and benefit is not encouraging people to work harder o ruse their talents for their own benefit
I never said capitalism in today's society is perfect, which is why I literally in the next sentence say the problems is mainly in the details.
I wont argue that there's monopolies due to government intervention, not just protection and creation but regulations as well. I'm not smart or knowledgeable enough to certainly say that a total free market system would work I admit, I'm just really concerned about ending up in a situation where the biggest corporations and companies work together to have control over the market and make sure no new businesses have a chance of ever competing and surviving. It's these discussions we should be having but of course there has to be a lot of communists and socialists now to completely ruin it and make sure there can't be nuance in the public forums, because people seem to think that you have to want communism and socialism or you're for big business raping everyone.
because americans have been indoctrinated to have extreme views on everything; the two party system only exacerbates this, to the democrats everyone on the right is a fascist and viceversa everyone on the left is a commie to republicans.
This person doesn't even understand that price controls (not capitalism) fucking ruin the agricultural industry in America lmao. They'll have tractors lined up to D.C. if anyone tries to buckle the price floor regulations they've passed.
Reason being is that they limit the minimum price of a crop to say $25 a pop, then obviously prices aren't just majestically set by the seller but supply and demand pressures steer it towards a balanced number. So these big industrial farmers will overproduce the shit out of their good and then the gov uses our taxpayer dollars to buy enough of their supply to artificially bring price up.
what else is there though?
impossible mode: things that are just renamed foms of communism aren't allowed as answers
Kys frog
Americans have bipartisan philosophy beat into their heads since they're kids.
"Anyone who is skeptical or hasn't formed a red or blue opinion is a dirty centrist or a fence sitting cuck." Is the general reaction when someone shows up to a discussion where two sides are shouting over each other. It's a mess.
>Americans have bipartisan philosophy beat into their heads since they're kids.
No we fucking don't what you are seeing is a reaction to reality.
You only think it is a mess because you cannot convince people to agree with the leftist bullshit you want.
Hegelian dialectics require the false dichotomy to steer the solution. But you are correct.
Ah yes I remember that rule in communism. No bright colored hair. Makes sense to me!
There are other options, some that have never been tried, some that haven't been thought up yet, and some that aren't recognized yet as being something different. Take China for example, what the fuck are they? They're not truly a communist economy and they're not really a capitalist economy either. They're some weird unholy offspring of the two, lurching around spitting on everyone because it can't think very well.
I already explained, you should read again, read about the history about former communist countries like Romania and then come back here.
>farmers give unsold good away for free
>hey we don't have to buy any milk because we can just get it for free
>farmers make no money at all
>banks come take away the farmers property
>no one wants to buy a foreclosed farm because there are no profits from it
>food supplies are cut even further
>whoops good thing we let people who had massive credit card debt get free milk for their coffee and cereal :^)
Remember you said that when the food shortages come.
They're essentially progressing through one of the "Stages" of communism, which Soviet also did. The idea is basically that to become a communist state, you must first pass through a stage of capitalism before reaching socialism. It's why commies try and claim that Soviet and China aren't "Real communism" but forget to mention the fact that they both did or are going through the "Stage" supposedly needed to achieve communism.
Of course, they also don't mention that no commies can agree on how a communist state would look and actually work which is why you never see or hear a clear idea of what Communism is outside the bare essentials. No one also mention that even while Marx lived there were others that thought that a revolution was not the answer and was counterproductive.
AInt that funny how no one mentions any of these things yet want to claim it is better than capitalism?
It is illegal to sell raw milk in almost every state. That milk has not been pasteurized and thus cannot be sold or donated per government regulations.
Or, alternatively a smart person could be in charge and not fuck it all up.
This is fucking simple:
>Subsidize food production that focuses on shelf stability.
>Have the farmers sell to those companies.
>Store the food for long term use either privately or through the government.
>Have the food distributed when needed to stores.
>Not starve to death because some moron couldn't think three steps ahead.
Hell, the Government doesn't even need to get involved as long as the businesses worked together.
People like you are exhausting, you are low info know nothing about the specifics of the subject yet think you can just come up with magical solutions.
You are smart you sack of shit.
so the problem with capitalism is that is producing "too much" food?
who's stopping commie morons to move trucks to take the food to the food banks?
and if you tell me "regulations", well, regulations are NOT capitalism, most of them are against free enterprise.
Nice Reddit spacing.
Based. Wish I could be a farmer. Looks so satisfying. Is it possible to just find a tiny middle american town, walk up to a farm owner and ask for a job, or is that just my sexual fantasy?
Because fascism has a tarnished reputation now because of cultural imperialism by other groups.
because there certainly wouldnt be food shortages if the farms all went out of business, retard.
Nice mindless group think you fucking drone.
Capitalism and Communism are piss-poor ideologies.
National Socialism is where it's at.
>Helped Germany out of the Great Depression
>Start making movies, radio, and public events again
>Economy improves like mad
>Hated by the rest of the world because they didn't have it this good
Really makes you think.
Sounds legit, farmers understand logistics.
I guess it's possible but farms are like any other business, there has to be an opening or you have to bring something to the table that I can't already get.
stop posting the twitter feed of mentally ill people.
This type people has always existed, today they have twitter.
We don't care
They can't reason