Why does mask wearing trigger so many conservatives? I have the freedom to wear one if I want, don't I? Isn't that what you support in the first place?
Why does mask wearing trigger so many conservatives? I have the freedom to wear one if I want, don't I...
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niggers tongue my anus
no symptoms for ~5 days. wear a goddamn mask. Not because you're told to do so, but because you're violating the NAP by not wearing one.
You wouldn't willfully violate the NAP without justifiable cause, would you?
I'm conservative, I wear an N95 just so I don't have to deal with some Karen exploding on me at Super Target.
dude just wear it if you want to. no one gives a shit
Implying wearing masks wasn't the right call anyway since it help protect your privacy and against usual illnesses like the flu.
Conservatives don't give a fuck about masks. They care about being forced to do shit that conflicts with their God given freedoms that are guaranteed by the US Constitution (as they should).
They are acting like petulant children, not wanting to admit how dangerous this virus is.
much like the indians if it was meant to kill people i say let it
i didnt sign shit
why not go full retard and wear a helmet too? knee pads and elbow pads also
If someone gives you shit for not wearing a mask you say "if it's a problem for you why don't you just back the hell up?"
>implying he doesn't already
good one
Mutts are retarded, bruh.
Doorknob licker
Some states made them mandatory. You can't go in a store in PA without a mask on.
We're seeing antifa shill antifa these days at levels never before seen.
Secret mask fetish
Because its overreacting and that will hurt confidence in the economy which will lose jobs and hurt people, end this crappy lockdown already
Not sure if lulz or tears are in order here but thats the worst post ive seen today. The fuck is wrong with you people....
>Your health doesn't matter you are scaring big line!!!!
If you have the freedom to wear one, I should have the freedom to not. Yet I'm having government officials and corporate policies demand that I wear one against my own volition, with the consequences being fines from my local government or forced leave of absence from my workplace. My personal freedoms are being violated.
>hurr durr yeah get infected dumbass
I would rather have the choice than have someone babysit me. I own my mistakes, but you, me, and the tree know that a mask won't do jack shit against a bioweapon.
>My personal freedoms are being violated.
Good freedumb is severely overrated
he's not talking about going about like bruce willis in 12 monkeys. it's just a fucking mask.
They would probably wear MAGA masks.
If it's forced it is forceful cultural change. We don't wear masks, we want to see each other's faces. It is psychologically beneficient to see smiles. It gives character and individuality. Masks are for insect people.
If you don't want your freedoms, feel free to give them to someone else. Make room in your local state and move to either New York or California so you don't have to deal with overrated freedom. Some people need a nanny state, since they're too stupid to dictate their lives.
Go lick a doorknob
now that's a good idea!
Is this what Antifa posts when boomers are subverting govt better than they ever did?
Know how I know you're a cityfag?
Strawman: The thread
All proceeds going right to Trump's jew puppetmaster pockets
cityfags go to panera for soup. Target is the quintessential soccer milf store. The density of yoga pants is down right delicious.
Fuck off chang
True american here and I've been wearing masks since before they were cool
I like that I have a reason to throw on a mask when walking near other people. I dont want to inhale dirty commies exhales or risk catching some other dirtbags cold or potential chinkaids.
Real conservatives bought the real n95s and fullfacers at the get go, libshits walk around wearing worthless stylish fakeones.
The whole conservatives dont wear masks is a fucking meme trying to psyop them into catching airborne chinkaids
All chinks/shitlibs will get the rope
>Why does mask wearing trigger so many conservatives
cuz masks are not guns
you're supposed to shoot the virus not block it!
Oh my god it’s just so fucking difficult to put a piece of fabric over my mouth holy shut you guys this is just like hitler super police state fascism triple plus. Hey I haven’t been affected by the virus by now so that means it doesn’t exist huurrr duuurrr freedums look at meeee
Wear the mask if you want, don't pass executive orders at state level to mandate or punish, which just happened last night here. Any other opinion is wrong.
Remember OP, these are the same people who think
you can shoot a hurricane.
You are the biggest faggot on this site.
>Someone might be angry at me if I don’t wear a mask
Fuck that I don’t wear a mask to store, if someone wants to complain they can complain all they want, doesn’t mean shit.
And this time he's right. Coronahoax
I dont agree with what you say, but I'll fight for your right to say it.
This is your brain on conservatism
Florida gun owners encouraged to 'shoot the storm' and fire their guns at Hurricane Irma