Trump to cuck on farm labor


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>the only ones that are exempt are mexicans and poo's

When does this bloviating orange golem not cuck out?

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>implying Yas Forums would pick cotton all day

take prisoners to do it
13th amendment

machines exist for that

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wtf all the mexicans were doctors and farmers already
he didn't do anything

Fruit specifically it's the hardest thing to pick mechanically.

How about fruits? There aren’t machines for that yet

i wouldnt mind for like a few weeks

People should be allowed to come do certain jobs, not any job they like though. Other countries do the same, you can come be a nanny, but cant just come and take some cashier or restaurant job

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Do you guys think these beta fags from Reddit will ever stop spamming these demoralizing threads? It's been 4 years it's not working.


>implying white people didn't do this for thousands of years
>implying the value of this labour hasn't decreased PRECISELY because of immigration
>implying there is ever a low-skilled labour shortage

If agriculture could only employ white people, the wages would go up and they'd form cohesive unions. It would be a valuable career. There's a reason big Ag demands a constant stream of non-english speaking incohesive immigrants to work dirt cheap

Fucking lolbergs and liberals are the most disgusting cunts on the political spectrum.

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How much money is Tropicana and Motts giving this niggers campaign



Every time there's a light at the end of the tunnel. It's just radiation poisoning.

No, because it's not working, so to keep up the psychological attacks they will never stop
Why do you think BBC/interracial is constantly spammed here and in news media/advertisements
because It doesn't work but they're trying their hardest

>Implying real wages have risen since the 70s.

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>posting straight up facts of Trump doing the opposite of what he promised in a campaign
>we s-still t-trust the plan don't we g-goyim?

The MIGA tard has no self-awareness whatsoever.

>BBC threads
I've never seen a more clear case of projection in my life.
They seem to think their feeble, exploitable psyches are universal.

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>implying americans would refuse to do any job for high enough wages
reminder that americans will sit in a desert and get blown up for 30k a year
farmers are just cheap as fuck

You just proved my point.

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>Is expected to
You just can't read brainlet.

Trump in a nut shell

Says or starts a good idea
Completely cucks on it

Absantee dad who keeps promising to go to your game

expected = it's done
go back to online class kid

I know, I was trying to help.

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Just face it that capitalism requires and desires immigration, for every Mexican Trump stops with border security he just brings in more pajeets, Saudi Arabians etc. through legal immigration while his supporters don't notice

The only people trumps playing 4d chess with are his "base" lol

Like anyone wants to pick fucking fruit. Only illiterate beaners have the low IQ necessary to do such work.

makes sense as those are critical now. the rest of the cheap labor spigot for multinational global captal should be turned off though.

So immigrants can only work in HOSPITALS and with FOOD makes total sense

He's been cucking out since day 1. Every appointee is a zionist Jewish neocon shitbag. Barr and Wray are hunting down nationalists ffs. His economic cabinet are all Goldman Sachs. He lets Kusher, a fucking Chabad Jewish Mafia leader, run the White House. He gave a 5 trillion dollar stimulus to finance and wall street while the public got a pithy tax rebate. He didn't close borders in January when ever Yas Forums knew we should. He downplayed Corona. You haven't got a single thing to show he's /ourguy/. He never stops cucking out. He's completely establishment.

And you wont give an argument in return. You MIGA tards never do. You're just snarky nupol cunts.

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Maybe those jobs should actually have pay that reflects the difficulty of the job
Those fuckers have been underpaying for decades, but then complain that it's too hard for americans
Fuck farm owners

Yeah because NEETS like you were about to go work on the farms to fill the gaps, bUt ThEn hE cUckeD oUt you're so disappointed.

This is the mindset that caused so many illegals to be here. Kudos.