Yas Forums browsing session, 2020 A.D.: minute 1 vs. minute 60

anyone notice how good it feels to come to Yas Forums, but then as you hide thread after thread, weeding out the shill nonsense, you realize that it gets really tired really quickly?

it is a testament to how many "real" posts are here trying to have discussions versus those who are just trying to slide. how long do you browse Yas Forums for and how much does it suck by the time you x out?

Attached: 2019-20 thot.jpg (1600x1641, 1.05M)

The problem is just how many posters bump blatant slides. Trawling through shill threads would be bearable if it weren't for retards falling for obvious bait or worse, humouring those stupid "I bet you can't name X amount X" shit.

Yeah but is it good for you tho?

The biggest shift is that once I've been browsing for a little bit I have a dozen posts that I'm waiting for (You)'s on; by the end of the night I'm my experience is dominated by compulsively switching between them

Attached: shadman$.gif (483x299, 3.31M)

They're phonefags. Phone fags bump slide threads because they can't meaningfully contribute to the board using a phone easily. It is more effective to just SP, and it provides just the same dopamine response as crafting a real discussion and getting (you)s.

>cellular phone the downfall of society

Attached: 1580837330622.gif (220x133, 272.21K)

Hit or miss girl has a benis.

I demand moar of Shadman

This, shadman has gotten pretty good


i guess these are legs?

Attached: Screenshot_20200421-090744.png (515x1187, 579.86K)


>slide thread about slide threads
You, too, have a big brain, I see.

That's a strange and telling exaggeration of the Bernie girl's body.

Attached: 1561392256547.webm (718x720, 973.08K)

>man of shad

Attached: 1537975289266.gif (268x260, 920.82K)


Just go to shadbase fag

No I want to be posted here

I want to fuck that trap

This. I’ve been using this image a lot recently.

Attached: C5B32570-1712-49DD-AF48-88C58B1EF528.jpg (840x529, 163.82K)

Attached: 1559450411481.webm (500x448, 973.58K)

Yes, whats wrong with them? Thick thighs, high calf insertions with skinny ankles, healthy spread toes.

They're tasteless caricatures. But I guess the models deserve as much.


Attached: 1B6D5AF4-AE9F-4365-828A-00CCAAC9351F.gif (280x210, 2.61M)

Attached: c4b.gif (340x437, 214.06K)

Whats up with these?

forced meme
shad's a pedo or at the very least a loli artist

What I don’t understand is I go to sleep at 2am and then come back at 10am and the same shit shill threads are till here

I know what you mean, annon. Sometimes I feel as if it's a vice taking up too much of my time; then I realize that it actually is.

Attached: 1585800055905.jpg (1000x2522, 545.13K)

Pedo? What??? What does loli mean?

Attached: 1551182768828.jpg (563x843, 229.43K)

Lurk more, pajeet.

Attached: AFC4376F-4931-480D-BC69-7D2725814E7A.gif (155x173, 835.96K)

ask me how i know youre phone posting right now :)

Look at OPs image. Perhaps you wonder if this is typical of the artists catalog in style and subject. Or is this one of a kind?

I don't understand the meme either.

You deserve to be shot.

Are you retarded? In which universe did you see an indian person in my country maybe a gypsy but no pajeets you retard aussie

Attached: AussiShitposting.png (1042x663, 774.88K)

90% of nu Yas Forums threads are
shit 1 post by this ID
Same threads over and over again
Racemixing bait
Useless threads with some thot pic completely unrelated.

Go back

show me some of your art user



Attached: soyboy yeed.jpg (750x444, 33.74K)