The most frustrating video you will ever watch (HIGHLIGHTS)

Nick red-pilling (or trying to) 200 zoomers.

00:19:31 - liberal whale creature talking shit about agriculture
00:39:00 - everyone's eyes popping out at race and IQ
01:03:00 - swarmy Jew denying the Bell Curve
02:55:00 - most brainwashed libtard showing up
05:10:00 - negro scratching his head while they are talking about negros

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Have a bump. I think this was an important moment in history actually. Things are progressing. People will start noticing soon.

I listened to most of it today, it was an infuriating experience. The only person willing to listen to Nick was a fucking darkie migatard. White cucks were calling him a rayciss all throughout the stream. America is cucked beyond salvation lmfao

To be fair, some based people join later.

Nick is gay, he loves traps, rap music and crossdressing boys, but imagine him being the most normal of the bunch.

Somehow I have a feeling it's always people who secretly fap to trannies 24/7 that are obsessed with this meme shitposting.

everyone is fucking brainwashed by our school system and media.. i cant take it.

Libtards are insane, they can understand the truth but refuse to accept it. Niggers are just tribal psychos they simply have no accountability.

it's not shitposting though, he literally had some cringey take on trannies not being gay you can find it on youtube


Funny shit, some entertaining moments.

But, it’s disheartening that Nick has had to pretend he accepts the holocaust narrative and say he doesn’t seek a white country.

cat boy faggot can fuck off
youre dead to us Nick

Why the fuck doesn't he just own it. Cucking for optics is retarded. The data backs up everything. It's irrefutable.

>Why the fuck doesn't he just own it.

He wants actual political relevance, right now or very soon, within the current paradigm of American multiracial democracy.

>why doesnt he own it.
NIck unironically is taking the best approach of any WN in decades

So the only difference between Yas Forums and him is that he has the balls to say his opinion publically.

Gray-hoodie faggot is probably the worst.

Stop lying.

You have to cater to normies if you want to change their minds. Ethnic centrism and the JQ isnt a path to push for

I hate normies though. I just want to smash their stupid little heads with a blunt object.

Amazing feed, FUCKING LOVE IT!!!

I don’t think anyone question that if you avoid talking about a white nation you’ll have a path of less resistance. The question is, how and when to transition to what end. You amass your collection of edgy conservatives with plenty of blacks, asians, and mestizos, and then...what? I mean, Brazil got a pretty conservative and edgy president elected, but it’s still fucking Brazil.

If we were a European country that was still over 85% white this approach might be all we needed, but it’s not going to salvage a white country from the current US. And probably nothing can in the near-to-medium term. Whites who want to live in a mostly homogenous country may just need to move to Europe.

One thing Nick deserves a ton of credit for is not cucking on the Woman Question- getting this much energetic young support while being firm on repealing all female voting rights is great. Feminism is even worse than mass immigration.

Follow the Optics King

Still made cookie jokes about the Holocaust 6 million. Got kicked of jewtube anyways. Imagine muh shock Alt Liters.

Wants to work with a system that is already dying at an alarming rate.

Totally not a vile system which hasn't failed in a "war on drugs" "war on terror" "war on human trafficking"

He cucked to a cayboy. Oh nevermind it was just a 'meme' he was only 'pretending to be retarded.'

All he does is countersignal and we still put up with him until he became indefensible.
>>inb4 skinny, noodle armed, losers who are NOT EVEN like the lads that showed up for the Groyper Wars rage in text at someone's perspective because we dare question them and the 'Optics King'.

He really thinks these kids are going to wake up? It's going to get worse. People need a violent psychological shock which will happen with coronachan, the economy dying, and experience with other races. Facts & Logic?

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As I understand it, these are supposed to be conservative zoomers even?
>we need immigration!!
>immgrants work harder than us! they make our country better dude!!
>woah, woah, you be saying that race is genetic bro?!
The based black man in a red beanie honestly came off as the most reasonable and sympathetic one. I have no idea why Yas Forums has been hyping zoomers as the most based generation when they're a fucking lost cause.

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Pretty much.

The last hour was basically a fun shitshow though, with some better people.

The reactions on peoples’ faces when he said intelligence is partly genetic were like something out of a Yas Forums meme. They’re parodies of themselves. And you know they were born without a shred of that- it was all imprinted on them via schools and entertainment. Terrifying to think of it happening to your own kids.

>As I understand it, these are supposed to be conservative zoomers even?


Hard to tell the difference, I know. The key is that a bunch of them actually identify as Christians and deeply care about it. More than a few will lose that in college though.

You’re not wrong. The amount of cucking and white guilt in that stream made me vomit, and I only watched about 10 minutes of it.

>the most frustrating video you will ever watch
that doesn't sound to appealing to watch. I'll pass.

>Yas Forums comedian e celeb said the trap meme
my stars and garters. also e celeb thread.

Ironically enough the most sensible one in the chat

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