Yas Forums will defend this

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Fuck off, you retarded commie.

communism has won

Capitalism bad

penis tongue nigger ass smokeing grass sledding fast WAHOOOOOOOOO

Its not wrong. Just cause jewish communism is bad doesn't mean jewish capitalism isn't also bad.

Fuck off commie

>Borg for the Horde

Typical UN memefag.

As far as I can tell, nobody is starving in the streets and if we ended this retarded lockdown pretty soon nobody will be.

Emergency response. Vs. Day to day operations.

No one argues that authoritarianism isnt efficient. It is. What that means though is that if someone comes to power which is evil. They have a very very effective tool to use and thats bad.

there is gonna be a whole generation of larpers trying to justify why market capitalism has basically failed during this hoax
capitalism 2.0 is coming tho, and its gonna be more like national socialism than your neolib nightmare world

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> over 50 yrs hasn't been a line
> national emergency n there is a line
> same thing

What are you? A fucking women?

thank you mr memeflag for pointing out that communism in the best of times is at least as bad as capitalism in the worst of times

the problem arent lines dumb jew mutt
but the combination of artificial scarcity created by speculators and panic by your mass media
all of those motivated by short them growth

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Look ya dumb wet back, just cause daddy trump shutdown immigration, doesn't mean you have to be all kinds of salty.

N also dumbass, you don't live here and this media you're speaking of that you read ironically isn't completely accurate. You see, there is still plenty of dasani for everyone, it's just being an American we ain't drinking that shit. We'd rather drink our running water we receive through water lines, since it's not a third world shit hole like your country.

On-top of that, it's called being an American that allows you to go to a store n buy whatever you want without a government there to stop you. Sorry you don't know what that's like, but it's fucking great. Supply and demand is quite amazing. Your shithole country should try it sometime, maybe you wouldn't have cartels killing ppl in the streets. I bet you walk outside to walk over a body to go to your shithole store to buy an avocado for your avocado toast while you watch American TV show n movies you fucking gringo faggot.

Lmao socialism lost.
Enjoy voting for joe fucking biden.
Ah as hahahaha

>it's called being an American that allows you to go to a store n buy whatever you want without a government there to stop you
arent they banning all sales of nonessentials?

>Supply and demand is quite amazing.
lack of toilet paper, masks and sanitizing products happened because people gamed your market, and still you celebrate a system that turned out to be extremely vulnerable to manipulation

you are brainwashed zionist

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>thinks the government mandating business shut down is capitalism
Did you eat lead paint as a child?

> arent they banning all sales of nonessentials?

That's a negative.

> lack of toilet paper, masks and sanitizing products happened because people gamed your market, and still you celebrate a system that turned out to be extremely vulnerable to manipulation

I'll celebrate a system that works for 50 yrs n fails for a few weeks then a system that fails for 50 yrs n works for a few weeks.

You must be a dumbass to believe otherwise, that's why you live in a shithole country.

America still has less deaths per capita. Stay mad.

all those reports of people being unable to buy seeds and shit are fake?

you dont realize your market's ability to respond to any emergent situation was what justified your kind of capitalism?

it was ok to have most of the wealth concentrated in the 1%, because at least it guaranteed the kind of stuff that just happen, wouldnt. but now we know your econ is noting special, and even when your gubmints monetary policy is crafted specifically to protect the uber rich, they will still try to speculate and scam the regular people for short them gain

its sad you defend that

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>haha jewish controlled economies always fail. CHECKMATE NAZIS.
Thanks for helping to prove our points. Weird how jewish organizations are getting free money while small businesses can't even get loans. Huh, pure coincidence I'm sure!

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Seeing that I can go out right now to purchase a pack a seeds, yes it's fake news. Maybe it's happening in a different state, such as comifornia or new Jews York, but in this red state - it's all good here.

See, that's the great thing about America is the shithole state you're in you can move to perhaps a better state. It's not a dictatorship like your shithole. I obviously don't live in a shithole state, thus I reap the benefits of being based, thus capable of getting into my car and being able to drive to the store n buy w/e I want.

You ever notice the states whome complain about the 1% are blue states? Cause those states are ironically run like socialist. Those states also have the highest homeless rate, cost of living and separation of class.

You faggots go on about socialism n communist, as if it's a solution, but there are already states run like that, to where you can see they're failing. You choose not to see what cause you're blinded by your need for government intervention. Which I don't blame you, since your IQ is room temperature.


>Prepare for the quarantine by buying ammo, food, medicine, and basic disinfectants
>1 month in
>Can't find fucking paper towels or toilet paper

Why the fuck do people keep stock piling these things?

People were, are and will continue to starve all over what are you on about

Under capitalism, on a rare occasion you’ll get bread lines
Under communism, on a rare occasion you’ll get bread

you think even your red states dont get gubmint money?
you are trillions in deficit because gobernment intervention is subsidizing most forms of business in burgerland
ask any business owner how many tax breaks they get, or ask farmers how much gubmint bux they rely on every year

your entire econ has been turned from a liberal market democracy is was in the 80s, into a pyramid scheme meant to funnel money to your jew masters

the only carrot they had for you to chase was stability, and where is that now? think about it

the second gubmint money to your farms or big business stops, you all instantly collapse

your owners dont see a problem in speculating with gubmint money *which is your money*, because your are literally powerless to hold them accountable

There is a third choice

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One is during a crisis...
The other one is the crisis.

the difference commies where defeated by their own incompetence and ideological shortcomings

capitalism is being hammered by not scarcity, or disaster or even war, but simply be your jewish masters speculating, trying to get richer from a hoax

>The lowest points of capitalism look like the best days of socialism.

stfu you tortilla gobbling ignorant spic

Nigger slide thread sage and mailed letter with anthrax to ip location

Comunism, capitalism... I don't really care.
In Western society men with no social skills and contacts have become unemployable and no one is helping them. Any system, call it whatever you want, that will give them jobs and enough money to take care of themselves and at least one child would be welcome.