Why is no one talking about this?

why is no one talking about this?

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Cause its NKO and no one fucking knows what the truth of it is yet. You have like 4 different stories going on and none of them are confirmable and NKO says ALL IS OKAY IN BEST KOREA NOTHING WRONG HERE YOU GO AWAY NOW.


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Because it's not 100% sure. Even South Korea doesnt know whats going on.

Hmmm clipping the top off your pic so we can't verify. Sage and faggot

Plus it's CNN, known for shitty research and blatant fake "breaking" ((news)) stories.


Let me know when someone who's ever been right confirms the story.

It is merely liberal lies

nk could just be trolling. Im surprised his assination took this long. All hail the new goddess queen of nk.

Cause the South Koreans say CNN is full of shit.

>reading their calumnious lies about dear leader
Wtf is wrong with you?

I'd trust a Nork over them. But if Kim doesn't make a public appearance for a couple weeks then I might believe it.

Reasonable take-pilled and FPBP.

Also this.

Hey at least it's not dailymail

>why is no one talking about this?
I think Kim and the vast majority of Yas Forumstards have found some common ground.

She is so hot

Kimmy can't be dead. I refuse to believe it.

They'll continue to prop him up and film impersonators for decades to come.

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I wonder why

Very based

I'm new leader

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Dangerous but sexy

as if he did not have more than enough facsimile

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>why is no one talking about this?
>literally 10+ nORK threads up right now
>better make an 11th pretending no one is discussing this

>lies about not peeing or pooping
>chain smoker
>obsessed with European and American/Canadian luxury wines/spirits
>educated in Europe

What a faggot.

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Fake account retard

She's a total mommy.

Honestly love this woman, sexy as hell

Rip Gook Nukem

This is ultimately how hereditary dictatorships fall. Power hungry, iron-gripped psychos are replaced by spoiled children who are only in for the fun in the inner party.

Because there's been several speculations about him dying before this, so don't get all exited now.

Evil gets what they deserve