Is pay for sex morally wrong?

Is pay for sex morally wrong?

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Based is pay for sex morally wrong poster

Morally? No. Wrong still? Yeah

No. The kind of women who whore out their body aren't worth being treated like humans.

my feller english SpEaKeR let me have the of the ing tell you that pay null null null sex for is yes null no actually yes lmao MOOOrallyY wrong

No but paying 4 porn is.

Money = Time
You're always paying for sex. We can count attractivity, social skills and wealth as a currency for it.

if I say yes will you stop asking?

How much do they pay you to post this?

it's ok in my book

I agree

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this is a trannie feggotnigger.

and yes it is. still will do.

less wrong than lending at interest

Why do you keep spamming this thread, nigger? Babby needs attention?

I dont think so

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I agree

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You don’t pay for sex
You pay her to leave

The trapfag again?

Yes. No sex until marriage.

Marissa is the Queen of Yas Forums

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Look it like this
Meet young attractive woman. If you dont take her to expensive dinners, buy her expensive things and gifts she will dump you. She will never settle with a guy with a buss other words you are paying her for sex but you never call her a prostitute...meanwhile all girls give you the dead look if you say you went to a prostitute because for them its cheating and you got sex the easy way.

hrt doesnt buy itself after all

After at least 5 years of trying to figure it out by posting daily the same question on a morally questionable image board you tell me user!

Tell me what have you learned in the past years because I will add you to my filter list, last chance bro.

Not if you're married and decide to pay for a BJ for a joke with your wife

I agree

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cute but too old.

If we're nominating grannies, I endorse Josie.

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sex is morally wrong

A prostitute is more moral than a slut.
Change my mind.

>Is pay for sex morally wrong?
Is paying for sex morally wrong?

Spotted the beta
Never pay for ANYTHING with a women that you're fucking
She'll dump you if you act like a fucking pussy that cares about her, her feelings and her wallet

begone, satanist

Looks like a poor man's version of Melania Trump

Yes, but it is a necessary evil.

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It’s pretty pathetic which makes it morally wrong

we all pay for sex you smooth brain faggot

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He is HOT, I want to fuck him no homo

You're always paying in one way or another for sex, anyway

Only if you don't make money from fuck prostitute.

these threads again?



>view of back
OPs pic is of a tranny hiding it's feminine benis and Adam's apple.

Paying for sex is fine, selling sex however is a grave wrong.

how much do you think felipe would charge to take my anal virginity?

You guys do realize a individual with a scorpion tattoo means they are HIV+, right? despite being politics beware the stinger.

a pack of faggots

You haven’t received a satisfactory answer to this question is 4 years of spamming this thread?

>Is pay for sex morally wrong?

personally i prefer rape, screaming gets my dick harder than giving over money.

Both are wrong. Women who sell their body for quick and cheap money are trash. Men who have sex with STD infected whores are pathetic and beta males who belong far away from any respectable right wing movement.

an idividual* also shes probably just a scorpio, chicks dig horoscopes


It's a guy, but I don't care I'd fuck him

It's not wrong to pay for sex if the women willingly choose and consent to sell their bodies for sex. If you're purchasing a slave for sex, I'd argue that's wrong, though much of Yas Forums will tell you it depends on the race and political beliefs of said slave.