Polish television promotes cuckolding and ridicules white Poles

The current ruling party (which pretends to be right-wing) (((Law and Justice))) promotes cuckolding in the media (which is nationalized).

In the series called "M jak miłość" which is watched by millions of Poles, the Polish woman came back from "vacation" with a Negro child. Her husband wanted to give the child to the window of life but at one point he returned.

His wife said she didn't know if she could forgive him.

Do you understand what the fuck is going on here? And all this is like right-wing governments. Bump this topic let's not leave it like this.

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Sorry for reddit spacing I post from my phone.

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Also what do you mean by window of life?

>Also what do you mean by window of life?
Thanks for the bump. I already explain.

In the series, the husband wanted to give his wife's black child to the window of life, where he would be adopted so that he would not have to raise his child.

However, he decided to return home halfway. His wife was furious and stated that "she doesn't know if she can forgive him what he did."

The episode ended with a Polish husband asking his wife for forgiveness.

Do you fucking understand this cancer? This puts us in Swedish tier cuckolding position.

Overall, this is a major Jewish operation against Polish man.
They want black and brown women to be more attractive in the eyes of Polish women. They want Poles to make nothing worth ATMs.

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Fuck poles

This is line with Poland being a catholic country. Have you seen the vatican lately or any of its events? Its full of blacks. The message here is, if you're a catholic, you can't see color, and you need to accept blacks into the church(and into your country). I mean you DO follow the pope's orders dont you?
You're basically being prepped for future african immigration. Enjoy.

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Sounds like your getting kiked. It's what happens when they take control. Subversion is their expertise.

Whatever you do, don't let it slide. Protest, riot, throw bricks through the state media building, do whatever is necessary to force your government to recognize that this is not okay and will not be tolerated. If you let this go unanswered then the kikes will see it as a sign of weakness and pump the brains of your population with more propaganda until you've got urban swede-tier liberals in great enough numbers to begin truly subverting your nation.

Makes sense. PiS doesn't care if the baby is a black mutt, as long as it's raised catholic it's all good. No mainstream right wing political in Europe or North America is race realist. That's just a fact.

PiS the Catholic party has total control.

If they do protest, here's what will happen:
>Pope will publicly condemn the poles
>He will personally travel to Poland to talk with the ruling party to discuss how to tackle racism in poland
>Mass by the pope preaching to the poles about how its their catholic duty to accept their "fellow christians" from africa. Nazi angle may be used aswell
>leftist globohomo media all of a sudden will start caring about christian values, christians in africa and make a big fuss about Poland's scary future without its catholic values
>ruling party will be attacked for being fake christians
>dominant narrative will be how christians made Poland great, regardless of skin color
>news outlets filled with stories about christian africans being killed by muslim africans
>we must accept christian refugees!!!!:((

They are getting their immigrants whether they ignore it or not. its just a matter of time, this piece of propaganda is the first step. Even my goverment is virtue signaling all the time about the churches they rebuilt in 3rd world shitholes.

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Jews and their allies are the enemies of all good men.

>he Polish woman came back from "vacation" with a Negro child.

its one of our primary exports, pregnant white girls


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I know Judeo-Christianity is a mistake. How is the situation in Hungary? Orban also pretends to be right-wing?

The future of Europe is Orthodox

>Not realizing Christianity is part of the problem.

LARP harder gay nerd, ethnic states are banned by the Orthodox Church

you have to start somewhere

exactly. we can't go full nazi slavic rodnoverism, because normies will get heart attack.
but we will do it slowly. first we start with konfederacja, monarchism and then we will see what's next.

So only competent leader in V4 is Orban

>our fellow hungarian gypsies!:D
>gypsy unemployment at an all time low!!!
>we dont like Soros but we love jews! we even rebuilt this synagogue in serbia, see?
>we must help our fellow christians in the middle east/africa!
>we dont want a mixed europe! this is an invasion! islam is not compatible with judeo-christian values!
>over a thosuand refugees accepted
>at least 2 of them already caught for repeated rape
>a somali also got caught for rape (no one even knows how he got here or what he was doing here)
>iranian exchange students disobeyed the quarantine and attacked hospital staff
>a kebab shop on every street corner
>literal pajeets that dont even speak hungarian
>more tourists than hungarians on the streets of Budapest
>annual pride parades
>the "party district" of Budapest full of degenerate western millenials, drunk anglos that piss and vomit everywhere, romanian gypsies in gangs, blacks, balkan trash selling drugs etc
>the porn capital of Europe, with some scenes being shot in fucking public
>there's even a street that is known for housing most of the blacks and albanians and ofc its a total dump

"But user all capitals are like that!"
No. This all happened under the FIDESZ(orbán's party) chairman who was major of Budapest for 10 years.
Also my dad has a friend who tried to do a 24/7 kebab place in the party district, and gave up after a year because drunk blacks and arabs would always get into fights at his shop.

All Poles and Romanian Gypsies suck cock

You have to start somehow

oh another thing is that while my goverment LOVES to talk about muslim rapes happening all over europe, they refuse to talk about gypsies who are still responsible for most of the rapes and crimes especially in Budapest.
We have our own brand of darkies causing most of the problems but everyone pretends like muslims are the bigger threat.

What better place than here

This kind of shit will go on as long as Polish nationalists are Christians before they're Poles. Christianity opens the door for race-blindness and philo-semitism.

How's Cluj?

What better time than now

Cluj is full of bozgor Gypsies, how else would it be?

polsat is not nationalized retard

>>our fellow hungarian gypsies!:D
Hahahaha, fucking kek! This is EXACTLY the same thing as in Poland.
They are praising the Nigger, because he knows few Polish words. Nigger is treated here like a mentally disabled creature that gets praised for doing simple things.
Meanwhile Polish people have to deal with Jude government that tries to eradicate them.

>over a thosuand refugees accepted
>at least 2 of them already caught for repeated rape
>a somali also got caught for rape (no one even knows how he got here or what he was doing here)
>iranian exchange students disobeyed the quarantine and attacked hospital staff
For fuck SAKE if you swapped hungarian with polish I would think you're talking about my country.

>No. This all happened under the FIDESZ(orbán's party) chairman who was major of Budapest for 10 years.
Our ruling party called PiS - Prawo i Sprawiedliwość is also (((Christian))). They have no race loyalty, only religious loyalty.

One very known Polish Christian journalist called Tomasz Terlikowski said that
>Poland can be brown but it has to Christian
Fucking traitors. They should be hanged on lamp posts. I'm so fucking pissed off, I'm gonna unload on the gym today. Stay strong bro. Their time will come.

>white Poles
No such thing. Slavs, much less jewish inbreds (((Poles))) aren't white. Never was and never will be.