Only countries that have started World Wars get to post ITT

Only countries that have started World Wars get to post ITT.
Hi Fritz.

Attached: serbia-e-germania-bandiere.jpg (834x556, 69.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Bro Serbia didnt start ww1, it was already going to happen.

Serbia didnt declare the war...

Servus ... :)

Attached: austrian.jpg (268x301, 20.39K)

We shot that faggy archduke, we started it.
We caused 20.000.000 deaths with one angry Serb boi.
The Serb is a weapon of mass destruction.

Attached: serb boi.jpg (460x259, 40.09K)

Do the Napoleonic wars count?

Acts of terrorism don't count as a declaration of war ... ;)

Attached: jackass2.jpg (1024x1024, 104.53K)

You started the Seven Years' War, which was really the first proper world war.


Attached: so_tired.jpg (800x1200, 143.7K)

lol ur faggot arch duke got clipped and his brains spread all over Sarajevo

Same with his tranny wife

Attached: Austria-Hungary btfo.png (633x822, 269.94K)

should the russian or soviet flag be up there as well? they were fighting alongside the krauts after all.

Of course they do dumb-dumb.
Killing your faggy archduke.
Stop being so autistic and pedantic about shit cause you're wrong.

Me and my austrian cousin

Thanks Hans

Attached: duck dick.png (300x292, 53.98K)

>Implying you're not genetically a Slav
Try again Laszlo.

kill yourself with one of the 10 thousand grenade attacks you experience a day.

Attached: 1938.png (791x2860, 975.6K)

>no Battle of Karánsebes

Please ... you are not even trying ... :(

Schleich di ...

>Stop being so autistic and pedantic about shit cause ...

... I'm right. And no I won't stop. Next time please declare war properly, kthxbye. :)

Attached: da_zuckt_er.gif (435x250, 1.05M)

Mein Neger! :D

Attached: Austria&Hungary.jpg (772x434, 74.15K)

>Battle of Karánsebes

Attached: wiki.png (1676x74, 19.89K)

fuck off and go lose yet another war along with your entire nation, kike worshipper.

Same applied for WW1 army ... :)

Attached: laughs_in_böhmisch.jpg (472x366, 37.67K)

Britain started World War 2.

France meddled in the German/Polish negotiations that led to war in 1939. Can I post itt?

There's is only one flag responsible

Attached: flag-of-israel.jpg (1000x727, 31.94K)

He's right, the WW1 was going to happen, it was only a matter of time and incident.


Attached: vojvoda-zivojin-misic.jpg (375x500, 34.23K)

Attached: 4244364966_ce0177bd8c_b.jpg (1024x642, 398.75K)


Attached: Zivojin-R-Misic-STRATEGIJA-vestina-ratovanja-SKICE_slika_O_94882689.jpg (1012x1350, 208.76K)

reporting in

How did you start a war?

Who started the 30 years war? That was one of the most destructive and confusing.