Make Yas Forums great again

Make Yas Forums great again.

Please more suggestions for the filter list.
Thank you.

>t. decent human being

Attached: enjoyablepol.png (494x693, 37.63K)

you forgot /ptg/

Almost half the list is shit newfag.
Lurk moar.

Yas Forums is a polite board
please go to

Congratulations, you just turned Yas Forums into reddit faggot

>why are all


Attached: polegood.png (408x731, 36.55K)

Ew even shittier.
Go back to plebbit.
What are you, a lolbert?

Attached: 1587378729539.jpg (600x590, 135.1K)

What's even the point of filtering. The brain drain has turned this board into a shithole. Might as well just filter the whole thing by leaving it behind and doing something else with your time.

/sig/ are great are you retarded?

>filtering faggot

>Yas Forums is a polite board
/pol is a board for gangsters and blood sport enthusiasts

>Why do white women

Put *women* *woman* *nigger*

Reminder that no amount of filters will save you from the baits and the slides and you will end up filtering actual discussion
Also what said,Im a newfag myself but only come here rarely specially after realizing the amount of organizations shilling, sliding, astroturfing and (maybe) those even have mods/jannies in their hand
Add to that individual shitposters on this specific board

You forgot all the generals which are site cancer

fucking plebbit, kinda gay that for you have to block shite just to use the site. Maybe you shouldn’t be here??

Why would you remove andrenochrome

>Im a newfag myself but only come here rarely
Then you admit you have no idea of what you are talking about but just give your opinion regardless. Fuck off, you’re the cancer of this site.

Go back to red dit

n / i / g / g / e / r

Attached: 755EE187-EECD-428A-8A2D-357941798B9C.jpg (635x600, 93.62K)

use the asterisk

Attached: Untitled.png (850x655, 54.3K)

This is for memeflags on 4chx.
/^Black Lives Matter$/i;
/^Tree Hugger$/i;
/^United Nations$/i;

dont do that, if i was going to do spam on here i would just note all of your filters and use other words. its ok to have filters but its dumb to share them in a thread.

Filters are for gay retards

Built for

he’s a newfag complaint about “the state of Yas Forums“ he’s a fucking larper

you are such a fàgguette, nîgger

Joe rogan
Taylor swift

>nothing burger
I hate that rachel maddow brisket head term

Willingly consuming propaganda attacking you is gayer.

Use filters like


Etc. Gets rid of all the constantly spammed
>Why is _____ allowed?

Type shit

>Is pay for sex morally wrong

t. gay retard

Attached: downieincest.jpg (591x800, 96.13K)

Islam is final redpill
Purple user
Are we... the bad guys?
your move christcucks

See, automatically filters these kikes.

Attached: memeflaggots.png (685x390, 27.09K)

tyvm was looking for this one

Add "Hoax" to the list and we can discuss it.

Attached: IMG_20200420_155626.jpg (324x320, 23.01K)

You are welcome.


whats up with the coffee?

thank you, ive been looking for this

White women

Humor (sic)

Nothing funny about Pol humour or /b's for that matter.

reminder that your muslim threads are fucking cancer and you fuck goats.

The stupid "is coffee good for you" meme. Nice numbers.

Attached: 1585410057847.png (800x840, 95.97K)

Newfags spotted

This. Filtering is OK, but some things are better left unsaid. Best to just observe things and maybe block the more obnoxious slide threads. The obvious JIDF/Shariablue/discordtranny spam can be easily reported, or saged.

Yeah, 4chanX can filter quite a bit.

I see now
Its going on the list

block something to make it not exist.
lol, how weak you have to be to use this.
be a man, face pure evil and jew-information and take whats real by yourself.
you will miss a lot of good post doing this, and you are a weakling.

Attached: memeflag history.png (1350x630, 86.01K)

Never used filters. Here since 2008
I have a long breath, now im done

I have:


and that's bout it

Are there any ways to filter out specific memeflags?

>filtering slurs
Genuine question, why do you even come to this website, if you just want to use it as a reddit simulator?

Attached: 1587328140513.png (225x225, 12.31K)

The issue isn't so much that anons make threads about coffee, it's that that they make threads and use a pic of some random thot as the OP pic to get attention

Reddit moment.

I know
The shills know about the filter. Its hard for them to come up with new words to get the attention so they no longer state anything just a picture. Instantly, second post = Gay/Tranny/Niggers wattever.
its their new way of working.
Therefor Im applying the filters.

>turning Yas Forums into personal safespace
how much of a feminoid niggertranny could a newfag be?