Is this really the master race?
Is this really the master race?
i don't care
1. Anglos
2. Germans
3. Nords
4. Meds
5. Slavs
Much better than angloids that's for sure
>biggest jew shills
>at the top
such juvenile insults don't apply to ones who have sculpted their bodies
Another caucasphobic thread.
scale 0 to 5 you say
*sips whey protein shake*
>Step aside, Adonis, male beauty just went up a notch.
you've been lied to bro
ashkenazi jews are the master race
SEETHING angloid.
By what metric are slavs at the bottom?
>physically the strongest whites, dominate strongman and UFC heavyweight while other cunts especially meds rely on niggers to win for them
>often times fairer than germans on average
>Russia alone took us to space, and outinvented every Nord and Med country save Italy, the only one who actually did shit past their antiquity
>Extremely impressive military history warding Europe form turkish and muslim invaders while meds have always found a way to BRING them into europe historically and funnel them into other Euro cunts
>Fucked the nazis up, while Italians lost to Africans and basically were the biggest hinderance during WW2
I hate it when models brush their eyebrows up.
The argument can be made either for or against it. As long as you acknowledge that fundamentally, all races are completely different from one another, then we can dispense with the absurd lie that there is no difference between the races.
Hasidic > Ashkenazi > Haredi
Slavs and Jews won the ww2 tells you who is top 2. But unfortunately slavs wasted this win because of jewish communism. Jews are individually superior, but we have superior numbers so I would say
1. Anglos
2. Germans
3. Nords
4. East Asians
5. Modern Meds
6. Slavs
those aren't ethnicities.
Only groups that give the Russians competition in programming competitions are Asians.
Put meds below the Japanese and maybe. Meds can't even stop their bridges from collapsing. They have the highest corona rates in Europe because of their third world tier hygiene.
theyre above you, spicy nigger
Why japanase are 5th? they are trash but the rest of the world are bigger trash. Why meds are higher then japs? Because they have good genetics, jews brainwashed them in the good times and now they are in no representative state, but you will not hold a good man down for long
>because they have good genetics
They're manlets
An example how you trash people
But what does this amount to?
and japs aren't?
To be fair, Japs are also clean, organized and competitive. Italy on the other hand has not grown economically in decades and just recently begged Netherlands to help them handle their fuck ups.
I literally just said that japs are not brainwashed, meds have better genetics
Not all of these guys are ugly 2bh
similar with chinks they were too poor for jewish interest and now they may seem somewhat superior but it's only because they are properly raised
Accurate. All else aren't human.
>Posts wall of text
1) Anglos and Dutch
2) Nords
3) Germans and French
4) Finns and Baltics
5) Meds
6) Slavs
Correct, Dutch are superhuman and do not fit in lists of lowly mortals.