He's right

He's right

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guess I'm racist then. again

Call me a racist then. China is going to pay. Every country on the world agrees.

racism is unironically good

Science is racist. We already knew this

Thr chinks have learned much from the jews

Fuck you slant eye

They're pulling the Jew angle.
>calling out any misdeed by thr government of the State of Israel is an attack on Jewish people which means it is antisemitic thus it can be dismissed as an invalid posiition by default

Based chinks. Everybody knows its US all along

Do you think you're some kind of champ? Do you think posting this makes you somehow intelligent or makes up for your lack of any additional insight into things that actually matter right now such as international solidarity and rhetorical wholesomeness? Who the fuck do you think you are, wasting your time here, peddling this juvenile, crass nonsense of yours? Rethink your entire stance, contemplate on the reality of your situation right now and then come back. Because this pathetic display of juvenile superficiality is as trifling and meaningless as your entire existence.

good. maybe its the last straw that will make the masks drop and break the whole "racist!" victim card. heres to hoping...

No, he's Wong.

Saying Chinese is a race is racist.

Funny they use a Jew tactic, while Chinese are insusceptible to being called racist or affected by the perpetual victimhood of the kikes.


at this point I associate the word "Racist " with "Good."

Remember when shutting down air travel from Wuhan was "Racist" and China did it before Europe did?

Looks like they're catching onto western style of politics.
That may shut up some but only in the retard cities/areas.

Calling people racist is racist
checkmate, racists


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Chinese isn't a race, piss skin.
Now throw silverware down the stairs and name your one child.


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International solidarity will come as china is cut off from international business, deinvested and ostracized.

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>true north

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Operation mcnigger was a classic

>accusing my country of a war crime is racist.
Fucking kys gook nigger. Nukes are on the way.


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Disagreeing with a chinese person is racist
No matter the circumstances
Chinese people are never wrong, only a racist would say they have made error!

Chinese goverment should burn tbqh

Nice html edit, faggot.
Check the embed title.

Good bait, the morons bit.

>amerimutt thinks anyone likes his "country"
Hopefully you and the ching chongs all kill each other.

God Damn
it's literally every country against China now.
If even the Russians want China to pay, there's no way out for them, and they've made damn sure over the last 30 years that they have no friends.

will it also be racist when mass social unrest and uprisings overthrow the cpc by the end of this year? the clock is ticking.

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all fields

Why does China think they can subvert Western Civilization and get away with it?

I thought east asians don't care about racism or think it's right

>is racist
I love how they're using our own bullshit against us.