Serious question to Yas Forums

Are there any reasonable arguments against the idea to accept immigrants from East Asia?

I understand why you don't like blacks and arabs. They have a very small IQ and all they do is parasitize other people's taxes.

But what's wrong with Asians? They have a high IQ (higher than white people), they like to work, they are easily assimilated. What's wrong with using them to solve a demographic problem?

Sorry for bad English.

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But you are asia

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Yes, and its fine. why shouldn't the West adopt our experience?


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>Yes, and its fine. why shouldn't the West adopt our experience?
Because you fucking suck lmao

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But its not because of Asians. See s. korea, Japan and hong kong if you dont like russia

Because it's still population replacement?

>Are there any reasonable arguments against the idea to accept immigrants from East Asia?


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>mongols and steppe asians = japanese

>i'm fine with being replaced as long as it's by high iq people

How about no, russnigger?

How its population replacement? If these asians become part of your nation, learn your language, accept your culture?

Theres no replacement if you assimilate them.

>Theres no replacement if you assimilate them.
Slav IQ holy shit

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They're a different race. Therefore, they will never assimilate

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Our gene pool is good enough as it is. We literally do not need to add anything to it. Beauty, inventiveness, intelligence etc. It's all there. I can maybe, MAYBE agree to take in 5-10 asians who are literally unique in their skillsets, double math/physics phds who could help build a space program or something, a few of those are fine. Other than that, there is no point at all

>They have a high IQ (higher than white people), they like to work, they are easily assimilated.

Do you have sources that this is the case for every major western nation?

Chinese people are all CCP agents

Race is a continuous trait. Any discrete races are human constructs.

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but you already have many Asians who have successfully assimilated. in every Western country

South Koreans and Japanese are fine. No Chinese and no jungle Asians though.

ALL non-whites vote for third world policies, regardless of their IQ. To be a first world country is to be, by definition, a majority white country.

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More data

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so the problem is that they have a different opinion? And if they change their minds, will you support my idea?

ALL non-whites vote democrat

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but the white population is slowly dying out. And after some time, the question of how to save the country will arise. How do you survive if you die out?

Just have more children. Hungary shows the way. If we import an entirely different people to replace us it means we're extinct anyway, so there's no point

Support for public policies is highly genetic

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Yes. my source is the fact that you will not find a refutation of this.

White fertility rate in the U.S. is at replacement level. Fuck off chink.

Nope. Not white? Can't assimilate into a white country.
Incentivised birth rates thanks to a better education, culture and financial benefits

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Which is mostly dysgenic.

Come to Vancouver and you'll change your mind.

they dont have souls

Proud white italian

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Assimilation is a myth. No race has ever successfully assimilated with another race in the recorded history of humanity. It's ALWAYS resulted in conflict, if not outright violence. The only people who have ever successfully assimilated in the U.S. are white. And even then, the Irish/Italians/British/Germans still have distinct voting patterns. You can't overcome genetics.

>Just have more children
Fucking genius! How could we not have guessed before?

Its not work.

The only way to save Western countries from destruction is to absorb several million Asians. Make them part of the West, part of Western culture, assimilate them.

are you seriously saying that there is not a single Asian loyal to the American nation?

Nope. The solution is to close the borders and become more conservative.

Attached: fertility-rate-by-ideology.png (539x564, 4.23K)

Yes. There is not a single Asian who would choose to fight for America over their native country, if it really came down to it.

The are over 3 billion people living in east and south-east asia, not including India. The entire US is crowded as fuck and they have only 300 million people living there. Australian cities can't cope with 4 million person populations.

The biggest argument against allowing immigration from EA and SEA is that there is no end to them. If you argue to allow immigration, how do you differentiate between them and several billion other people who would risk life and limb to live in a western country (with absolutely no intention of integration, and demand others adapt to their way of life, instead of the other way around).
You can't shift vast populations of people from another culture around and expect everything to stay the same.