It is TRUE!

i've had a little talk to what you call "god" on DMT. He told me everything! 5G towers did not cause the virus but needed a load test! They release the virus they'd been working on for a few years only to test how much data the 5G towers could put through.
Member the multiple "retard burned down 5G tower" news? They were fake. The towers just got too hot from data transmission during the corona test. 5G will be super relevant for when we all get our "vaccine"/chip/certifcate. This way they will be able to track anyone who's in the range of a 5G tower. Screencap and save it somewhere save. You'll need this when you're brainwashed to remind yourself.

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>i've had a little talk to what you call "god" on DMT.
and yet for some reason Im going to read what you say anyway

Weirdest source I ever heard of

Or just don't take the fucking chip. What, are you an American and unable to resist anything that sounds like food?

Sounds legit

>Shitty meme, no question - low effort post
Is Schlomo trying to discredit 5G weaponry?

I did too, just to see how batshit crazy this post was

Sounds about right

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they passed nationwide 5g in usa yesterday

This theory could have been posted without (a) claiming an unsubstantiated source and (b) stating this theory was obtained under the influence of one of the world's most powerful psychedelics. Absence or substitution of this information would have lent more credibility to your claims, which are incredible to begin with.

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K but what was God like?

When you meet "God" on DMT he doesn't shit out
Qtard lavel conspiracy theory's

t.I sell the shit on Empire market

that sounds like bullshit, but I believe it

You talked to a literal demon. God will never talk to you via drugs.

>K but what was God like?
I hear that lately he appears as a mexican tranny.

It did talk to shamans in ancient times. but you have to be born severely deformed in order to be a shaman, and do a lifetime of training.

Lol Wat

>but you have to be born severely deformed in order to be a shaman
Is pic related you?

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Shamans talked to demons too. The Bible explicitly forbids sorcery/divination/drug usage to tap into the spiritual realm. If you take any way but the narrow way(Jesus)to get into contact with God, you'll end up seriously sorry- and in my case, with your life ruined and staring down the barrel of a loaded shotgun.
t. Christian who used to practice blood/sigil magick and astral projection

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How many breakthroughs it took to get the result anyway?

Please explain why God forbids psychadellics

>Believing random spiritual beings who have nothing to do except trick naive little human brain who enters the place he doesn’t belong

You know the Devil isn’t mean, he’s just a liar?

again wat plz elaborate

Fucking rip

>constant changing memeflag

Nah faggot

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OP has never done DMT, they dont speak to you they make you feel but you know what they mean they create matter with their voice and try to get you to do the same you create objects when you try to talk to them

asking a retard to explain why he believes God contacted him to tell him that 5g towers bad is gay
now, God I love /nuPOL

Exaxtly I make sell and use these medicines and OP's story sound like a story your grunkle would make up

Ok christkike

Because jews.

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>they allow your mind and spirit to be vulnerable to demonic forces
>you simply do not need to use them to have a relationship with him
>cannot make sound decisions with a mind that isn’t sober

Ok sorry bros I understand now


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>God contacted him to tell him that 5g towers bad is gay
>God I love /nuPOL
You have barely scratched the surface user, you have no idea how deep this goes.

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What Demonic Forces that is my question


degenerate drug user,
black triangles for the lot of you

in our mythology its not forbidden to make deal with demons, only you have to trick them in order to keep your soul, play with a weighted dice when you deal with them. which is possible, but you have to be way smarter than the average joe.

Engrish No Furst Languge

This user said

Absolute madlad

>post image

Fucking newfags

That's all satanic deception. They can have you in bondage but never literally take your soul, they're not more powerful than God. You should never interact with them for any reason though, it's never "fine" to invoke demons.

Anything that isn't yahweh.

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Recursive mathematical expression of niggers niggering uploading to your brain now.

Attached: Mathmatically perfect ass.jpg (564x564, 33.52K)

Oh, my mistake, you're already on Yas Forums.

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No I mean Who are These "demons" and why would they only contact you while your watching the walls bleed and the celling turn into cotton candy. Like why not when your using the piss bucket

kill yourself

theres two ways to lose your soul. 1. god doesnt want it. 2. you make a pact with demons. logic stems from the fact that the bold and the clever are favoured by God and you also trick demons/satan so your contractual obligations are non existent or have loopholes. you basically have to be a really good lawyer and have lots of balls in order to succeed. legendary i would say.

>Who are These "demons"
> Like why not when your using the piss bucket
burgers are already circumcised

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>Who are they
Fallen angels or the disembodied spirits of the Nephilim(Giants)

>Why do they only contact you when you're watching the walls bleed
They don't. They can harass and torment you at any time but when you do drugs and occult rituals it's basically like opening the door to your soul and saying "please come torment me demon-kun".

They can get in because man is born incomplete without the holy spirit of God in them ever since the fall.