Wear your dog leash like a good boy
How to look like a faggot in one easy step
>brown eyes
how can anyone live being born this ugly, i'd probably kms
OP is mad because he didn't prep. Now he has to die of starvation and disease while not being able to slave for Shekelberg. A fate worse than death for the Ameriblubber.
don't you mean good goy
imagine going shopping for groceries instead of having a wife.
The store is all sold out of masks so im just using my ball gag for now.
Fuck off Schlomo
op probably has to deliver food on doordash to mixed race couples and mandated to wear a mask, also nice satan trips, checked
Sanguine and a full belly, Nance
Oddly soecify
>unprepared nomasker
Dont be jealous faggot, just pick some up on craigslist
Bet your wearing three of them
True, only basedtards and other NPC idiots actually wear the cringe masks in public.
The masks show us who is the biggest tool here and who is dumb anough to believe the jew media and their hoax virus.
Dumb fucks lmao
That'd be fun
We have them mandatory
>Masks but not goggles. Eyes have magic force fields.
>Wears gloves all day and doesn't wash them. Rubber magically kills the virus.
>Tells other people to wear masks.
>Wants forever lockdown because we're all in this together kumbia bleeding hear liberals.
is that charls?
I have one in my coat pocket just in case I'm surrounded by maskfags somewhere. They're on the verge of violence and it's best to blend in. If one of them talks to you just agree with everything they say. When they go to pitchforks and torches you don't want to already be on their radar.
>not taking advantage of mask culture to commit petty crime
Go 2 towns over, and shoplift. They will never catch you. There is a reason why you're normally barred entry when you wear a mask
>Masks but not goggles. Eyes have magic force fields.
Those masks are there to keep the people around you save by keeping you from spraying your droplets everywhere. If everyone is wearing one you don´t need goggles.
I have only seen 3 people wearing masks here in all that time since it started, all looked like absolute retards s0ys, you could see they are dumb sheep and believe anything jew media tells them.
But 99% of other people here dont wear masks, kinda based where I live
imagine letting a woman enter a store chock full of advertisements and schemes to make financial decisions regarding nutrition on your behalf
If u got it mandatory you would wear it too
Nope would never wear that NPC shit, thats for retards
Yea sure. You wont do anything about niggers raoing your women so i doubt that you would go against this. If authority told you to do it you just would stop playing tough guy. Police here are stopping people without it and giving fines which are about 1/3 of your avrg income per month. Even fucking homeless people wear them lmao. Also in japan or korea they were them all the time
how to protect your paper bag thin ego
1. keep a rag in your pocket, preference leaning toward cum stained sock
2. only put it on right before you enter a store
Ill die before ever wearing a cuckcloth
its not complete without a gimp suit
OP is probably on CCP payroll. Wants the virus to spread and cause maximum damage. Try harder shill.
I fucking hate people who just wear a bandana or a piece of cloth over their face instead of anything actually medical. AND 99% OF THE TIME THEY FUCKING REUSE IT. THATS NOT HOW YOURE SUPPOSED TO DO IT. Just spend the money on an actual box of a 100 or so and DO NOT use them twice.
Yeah don't protect yourself from a contagious virus, watch fox news instead
Even my gf, who can be a bit of a rulecuck, isn't this bad.
I use a reusable mask twice a week (every 72 hours) and wash it every Sunday. Zero germs.
I CANNOT wait until millions of American die simply because of their braindead mentality and shitty healthcare.
It's mandatory in stores here. I don't wear one and nobody cares. If they did, I'd leave. When she's not with me, my gf keeps a sheer lace scarf around her neck (in case) as the most useless mask she could come up with without buying anything new. So far, she's never been asked to leave a store, so she has never used it.
>mask as fashion statement
i kinda hope they catch it for being such opportunistic flaming faggots.
mostly im referring to niggers. they hopped on that bandwagon, and right away, i knew it was because they thought they looked cool, while they fill an abc store.
Gonna be heading to the airport here in a couple days, should I buy me and girlfriend masks? I’m a little scared.