Fat Hate Thread

Is anyone else unable to take the political opinions of fat people seriously? How can one expect changes to be made in the world when they don’t have the willpower to make changes for their own health? It’s not like there’s information they don’t have. It’s a straight up lack of willpower. If your willpower is lacking then your convictions a phony.

No one with a BMI over 25 should have the freedom of speech.

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Fat people do not take their health seriously.
Why should be take their opinions seriously?

And you just so happen to use a pic of Matt and not some leftist, such as the Jew congressman Jerry Nadler. You're a kike, too. You don't belong here.

>Is anyone else unable to take the political opinions of fat people seriously?
ad hominem.
janny, please delete for fallacy posted in op.

Based. Even coronachan hates the fatties as they’re more susceptible to her grasp

you type like a redditor.
Fat people shouldn't be taken seriously

t. obesoid

I use to be fat. Now I'm skinny fat. It fucking sucks. When I stand you wod think I'm a normal person. When I sit down all the loose skin shows my real putrid form. Is there any hope for me lads?

Do all fat people know each other or something?

>How can one expect changes to be made in the world when they don’t have the willpower to make changes for their own health?
Ask Churchill.
Or Taft.
Or any of the other people who did great things while being a fatass.

Intellect matters. Not BMI.

Based. Excessive body fat indicate lack of willpower and discipline. Opposite of the qualities a leader should have.

>great things
Lurk moar.

Shit I got a BMI over 25. I actually try though, I do up to 50 jack-knifes a day.

Actually that's not fair, fuck your fake law, you're literally food to me.

fuck that kike puppet

>Is there any hope for me lads?
If you are that self-conscious about it there are cosmetic surgeries that can remove extra skin.
Or you could stop being self-conscious about it and just be normal. Up to you.
Personally, I have never in my life heard someone say "Look at that guy, can tell he used to be fat by how much loose skin he has".

Unironically Natural skin care products, sports and a low fat diet for a while.

Being fat is what America is all about.

Are you really going to sit there and pretend Churchill, one of the greatest orators and statesmen of the 20th century was not a great man who did great things?

A question can’t be an ad hominem. The implication isn’t against any specific political stance or singular person, so it doesn’t qualify either.

>person x is fat, therefor his opinion is wrong.

^Thats an ad hominem. It’s also not what I said.

>person x is fat, therefor I can’t take his or her opinion seriously.

This is a statement of fact. I can’t change my opinion of that person. It has nothing to do with what they’re saying and everything to do with their convictions. I can’t take the person behind the words as being sincere, because if they were they wouldn’t be an enormous fatass.

>Identifying logical fallacies is Reddit.
This used to be the norm before all you newfags showed up in 16 and ruined the standards of discourse on this site.

Ok fat boy.

I have been on Yas Forums since 2010.
Redittors like you talk about ad hominem and fallacies like queers

35yr old user here. At my heaviest I weighed around 290. Im not at a comfortable 180lbs with 16.8% body fat and continue to trim it down. Fuck all those people who make excuses. It all started with divorcing my bitch of a ex. Got the 0.1% treatment in divorce by not losing anything, not paying anything and keeping full custody of my kids. So a full time worker, father and the person that has to do literally everything at home, I still find time to get a good 40-60mins of working out 6 days a week. Unless you have a busier life than me, go fuck your excuses and I hope you die shoving that next big mac down your throat.

Ok, historylet.
There are fat people who did more than you ever will for humanity by teaching philosophy to others while sitting on their fat ass shoving grapes in their mouth in ancient greece.

Got you beat by 4 years newfag.

I guess you missed the post that has been on the front page of this board for 8 years now huh?

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Low carb*

Only newfags look at that trash.
I don't respect the mods or jannies

If you were straight you'd use body fat percent rather than BMI. But you gays never change.

>I'm being a newfag and nobody can stop me!

Fat people are immediately discredited. If you can't control what you put in your mouth (dicks included), you are irrelevant


Literally broke up with my gf the moment she started letting herself go. I take care of my body and expect my partner to do the same.
As for fat men, I just see them as weak.

okay fatass

Newfag detected

I'm just cultivating mass, leave me alone.

Observation: The likelyhood that this meatbag is obese is over 90%

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Really the only way to go user, good on yourself for taking that stand.

>full time father
>spends hours in the gym everyday
Lectures others on excuses. The absolute state.

I stay fat to keep people at bay. Nobody bothers me. Fuck eating right an exercising to join in with a planet full of scammers, retards, and whores. It's not worth it.

>You are pointing to the flaws in the OP's assertion that fat people shouldn't be taken seriously regardless of any other virtue they have.
>That must mean you are fat yourself, and are only replying because you feel offended by the notion yourself.
The mind of a simpleton is a wonderful thing.

Go tell it to the janitor newfag piggy