Refute this
Refute this
he's correct.
real patriots don't wave anything.
we stand ready and shoot.
I don't wave either of them, I don't even own either flag, I own one flag and thats the flag of the United States of America, and the asshole with the sign tells me I do wave a pair of flags I don't even own even when I don't.
So why does it matter?
>Calls himself a patriot.
>Hates the constitution.
eat shit
fpbp land over ideology.
Just accept your neofudealism goy
>sage this
>Implying patriotism is loyality to a government and not to the nation and it's people.
>Implying the Southern people are like every other American and not a completely different people with different values, principles, ecinomic systems, and so on.
Real Patriots didn't fight for gay Jew niggers.
Based and Confederate Pilled
He's right. everyone waving those flags is either a fed or a retard.
Real American Patriots believe in the freedom to wave any flag you wish even if you're a douche about it because that's what freedom is.
That cocksucker probably winces when he fires a gun, if he even has.
He looks like he gets pissed off at the American flag as well.
>Fascist symbols bad
The US
>Police state
>Worship of uniforms
>Eagles and literal fasces everywhere
>Massive socialist benefits...if you serve in the military
>Minority races are second and third class citizens, unless they get rich
>Regular wars of aggression
>Xenophobia encouraged
>Celebrations when other nations are bombed
>Secret police...Beyond counting
>Mass surveillance
>Has an empire
>News media dominated by talking heads that tell people what to think and what they should think is support wars and the rich
Im thinking the leftists have a long way to go to change the US.
No True Scotsman.
Q: what do you call a beautiful girl in Poland?
A: tourist
Sure. Read this
Because military might makes your arguments more true. Sucks for him but states were allowed to.leave the union but upon doing so were attacked. The states that tried to leave were reconquered making modern america a northern state empire. The war he talks about was the death of America snd his political allies forcing a large territory to follow their policies at gunpoint
why do s*ys think the confederacy and nazi germany were the same thing
being patriotic in america is like saying thank you after having someone take a shit on you, embarrassing
Real Scotsman fallacy. There. Refuted. Don't even need to look at whatever point he's trying to make.
Real patriots listen to a balding onions boy's sign or they aren't real patriots.
he's right. this is easily the biggest thing about either flag that bothers me. it's very intellectually dishonest. and if you are flying it in america, the place that won both wars, you should honestly be fair game to be violently murdered on the spot as if you were an enemy combatant who is still fighting the war that we already won
imagine being patriotic over a dead nation ruled by pedophilic satanist jews
An American would defend the rights of every man
Today in things you basically made up
So why are 30 million illegal Mexicans allowed to live in the US as third class citizens? You have started to facilitate them staying and working there despite having less rights.
Im for deporting them all btw but what you currently have is a huge number of people living in the US with little or no rights.
Stupid Americans can't figure out that the wrong side "won" both the War between the States and World War II.
That balding cuck has never fought in a way & probably never touched a woman either
>No true Scottsman fallacy
Imagine failing this hard at protesting.
0-2... thats not a very big lead. They could easily turn it around next half.
A true patriot serves his nation, not the power that be no matter the price, and not the victors who write the history.
If you were looking to serve the blade and not the man, you are always witness to the blood of your enemies and not the blood of your fellow soldier.
Let there be no sacrifice in vain. Those who cherish the nation will know what sacrifice burdened it, and equate the weight and sound of a medal to that of a dog's collar charm.
If you refuse this, then you are no better than a jingoist, and may your father never see you become less than a man for no more than victory.
- Colonel Renton McCarthy, "Violet Skies"
Good book I read ages ago, quote seems to fit.