Holy fuck, is it over for the white race?

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I might get vaccinated a few times then

Oh lawd, no they won't be able to shop anymore

>tfw you wake up and doctors tell you your credit score immediately went down 420 points overnight

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>bug turned into a monkey
wtf this is Forced Evolutionary Virus

Fuck it why not, I'd rather be autistic than a negro.

Were not even trying yet, cunt

>kills niggas
>replaces them with bugniggas.

This is truly the work of the devil.

>beating coronavirus on the verge of death
If this was me, I'd rather they just let me die. Literally a fate worse than death.

brain fried, skin turned black - is this how niggers were created? are they Corona-Hai?

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>fake as fuck.

This is just a cover for china to round up blacks


At least they will finally get their wish to become nogged.

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kek immagine became black but still owning a chinese penis

Can they dance now?

Top lel

nah but they can shoot hoops like a motherfucker

thingy imouto やります(追いかけません) [–] RedecorateJ5 [–] SimurghPRag0r [–] @Ezekiel5613 [–] hahaha
Ash looked down at the floor, "Shit. I've got to go around the circle to fix it."
>They are turning

thats why we immune. cos we already black

Why? You might actually get to finally fuck a white woman

imagine believing the jewish BBC myth

Oh fuck no... it turns you into a nigger so next time it will win.


>uses nigger vernacular
>consumes onions and watches pokemans and plays video games and lives at home and is a chronic masturbater

Chang chong ching

kek, my sides

Attached: sides.png (800x800, 163.97K)

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>a virus that turns you into a nigger

Ok now im scared

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fuck. that's worse than dying.