Imagine being as irrelevant as these guys kek
Imagine being as irrelevant as these guys kek
all of europe is irrelevant.
You keep posting this every fucking time Sven
It’s pathetic it took you 1700 years to come up with something relevant, and you’re not even the best in discovering periodic tables.
Pathetic. I truly look down on n*Rdoids.
Sweden is the most relevant region in the world per capita
>implying the netherlands isn't just as irrelevant
a thread died for this shit thread, kys
Don't bully norway, my friend is from there.
based and usapilled
You first redouan
you're the anti-european shitskin here, ahmed
You called your own country irrelevant to defend n*Rdoids
Imagine being such an ultra cuck.
le let's distract ourselves with infighting between whites something no one truly cares about
You’re not even white
>gabbercentral calling anyone irrelevant
Imagine being “danish”
Quite possibly the most irrelevant country in western europe.
Yet you talk about us every single day
cope more
We live rent free in so many butthurt nigger faggots minds
I'm not complaining
That’s the biggest n*Rdoid cope i’ve ever seen
>muh rent free
Nigger you’re fucking DANISH
they have muh hair just like niggers have muh dick, let them be
>he thinks the USA is anything but another willing slave to the international jewish state
Sweden is culturally and economically a bit relevant than the rest of us
Arab detected.
>muh rent free
>Nigger you’re fucking DANISH
>muh relevance
ironically that is irrelevant. Pay attention to things that matter in a country not size of political penis
Why the name change
how isn't this shithole irrelevant? the women are whores, the men betas, and we constantly vote against our own interests. literally almost sweden-tier.
go be a jew somewhere else.
Don’t you dare talk about my country that way
You better go back to your own country in time before i find you and break your swarthy neck, illiaa
cool beans
>wanting to be relevant
If only we were completely irrelevant. It would mean no one immigrating here.
Let's face it, you're using your country or rather its long since faded grandeur as a former international power as an extension of your ego. In reality you as an individual are just as irrelevant as some babushka in Siberia. Same goes for the "I'm a Murican hear me roar" posters that always pop up. Using your country as an extension of your ego is a pretty typical marker of brainlets with neither self-esteem nor merits of their own. Enjoy your imaginary relevance, Hassan.
n*Rdoid cope: the post
Your responses in this thread are meme-tier enough to be generated by low-rent AI. No original thought detectable. That means you're almost certainly under 18. Take a banana, kid.
There will be a Germanic renaissance once our countries are converted to Islam.
Inshallah brother
Imagine thinking relevancy matters.
He's an arab.