I refuse to believe these people build European civilisation, just look at them!

I refuse to believe these people build European civilisation, just look at them!

think about how the haven't done anything of worth in the last 2000 years while all modern technical invetions were made by anglos, germanics, nords and northern French, who are much more racially close to us two then to med French.

Aryans MUST have build those states then through conquest of the negro-African races racemixed into shitskined blobs just as its happening to us right now

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Top genius countries are not southrons, they are blonde, with blue eyes. The native european should look like that.

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ok gook

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>I refuse

Feeling insecure, Mikko?

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>Aryans MUST have build those states then through conquest of the negro-African races racemixed into shitskined blobs just as its happening to us right now
That's pretty much what happened, a lot of big empires have race mixed their civilization away.

you faggots are too obvious, look at this shit

believe it barbarian subhuman

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>genetic affinity between ancient greek compared to modern populations

Then genetic studies come in and kill the LARP.

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you're a shitskin, you are fake europeans. You have been mixed to death. Your country is in debt and is nigger tier. Stupid greek shit. Alexander the great was blonde and blue eyed and would look like a modern day nord today

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those are helots and latifundia slaves at best

….and then I achieved even more!

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The results of millenia of Tusken Raider spunk, filling Euro cunny. It's an open secret.

fake jewish studies, open your eyes southron subhuman. I know you must feel disgust when you look in the mirror and see that you are a chrtistainzed arab.

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>my roman ancestors :)

t. pic related

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They are NOT the original greeks/Italians/whatever. They are mud that came to be after they mixed for over a thousand years. Just look at the description of roman emperors or ancient greeks. Every greek (BUT MUH 1 OUT OF 1000) has shitskin, oildark hair and shitblack eyes. These "people" are not of european origin or builder of any civilisation. Just look at greece. They can't sustain themselves even with the massive welfare packages they get so often. But they built a civilisation from the ground up lol

Reminder that Finland isn't white, it's Turk and Mongolian rape babies.
And that Italian IQ is one ofnp the highest in Europe.

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Tell me about Finnish contributions fren

They look white to me

they are coming arab-arab


He’s the British int poster evading bans.

Genetic studies disprove this. It's simply that the traits that are good for building an early civilization (high social proclivities, better farming climate) aren't the same as the ones great for a more modern society (more introverted which helps cope with the cancer of over socialization, and technology + natural shifts in climate defeat the climate disadvantage).

And just because you invented something doesn't mean you are the best at it. Didn't the Chinese invent gunpowder? Same thing.

The reason why Greeks and Romans were so practical, thoughtful and sometimes even despicably cunning is because Southern Europeans are quite resourceful if they live in dangerous and pure shit conditions (like jew-tier craftiness, but with some modicum of honor), in prosperous conditions we just become robotic, non-thinking, pseudo-hedonistic retards.

Assuming he's British at all and not some dirty paki who's relatives got beaten by Italians. Shitskins and kikes are the cause of 90% of the problems on Yas Forums

those guys are all gypsies

Damn, thanks for the heads up.

My eyes have seen way to many sunburned nordic tourists to believe what youre saying. Imagine working all day every day outside under the the Greek sun in summer.

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Those turdskins didn't build shit here. Their architecture is hideous. Their houses are disgusting. They look and smell disgusting. What they just have is superiority complex. Even the most developed region of Italy isn't even italian at all. It's germanic.

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Who the fuck are they?
Even the portuguese guy i never seen him in my life. I only know he was never in governament

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>I refuse to believe these people build European civilisation, just look at them!

they did

not your mongoloid ancestors

all you can do is cope

Meds are not just non-white. They are not human.

They are sentient algae.

What do you think about the chuvash polycythemia cases found at ischia?

É um actor paneleiro qualquer

Yas Forums was a mistake

Also, who is the guy on the left? Never seen him before?

yes and also inthe 19th century they stormed the germanic capital

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