Pol is homophobic

Why are you incel pigs so disgustingly homophobic?

Yes I love cock in my tight little asshole
You are all just closeted incels.
Stop being a incel
>download Grindr
>get fucked by a black bull

It’s quite simple really you nazi incels, are that you can join the lgbtp board.

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actually kinda based

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because homosexuality is a down, not an up.

Get aids. Problem solved.

Stop touching childrens and we're good

get aids and die, faggot

I’m map and proud kill yourself



>Pol is homophobic
Kill all gays.
t. an actual, sucidial gay faggot

It's spelled LGBTP now.

Unironically as arachnophobe I would like to fuck a spider.

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I'm no even that much anti gay, but
>get fucked by a black bull
this is unacceptable. Gtfo, you fucking nigger lover, in the previous century even gays were kinda based and loved their people and counties.
Wait till some Islamic Somalian will stone you because his book says so.
This idiotic attitude will be your undoing.

"Ah yes I'm sure your children will be lovely."

Oh man, I like to drop acid and sit in the dark without any sounds for 12 hours straight with my eyes closed, during one of such trips 7 years ago I was kinda fucking a huge spider, at least it was akin to a vision.
That was one hell of an experience since I'm also an arachnophobe. I liked it though.

Race mixing is a sin. White pride you degenerate coal burning fudge packer. I'd tell you to get a white boyfriend like me but you're probably a nonwhite plant anyway, so just end yourself.

Incels have a similar disposition as closeted LGBT because they are both suppressing their sexuality.

I wouldn't say they are gay, just so socially messed up that they go national socialist and cant find a girlfriend.

Nah you’re traumatized and mentally ill and probably sociopathic. Kill yourself cocksucker.

Literally no one on Yas Forums is homophobic you troll!!!!! We LOVE making fun of fags. You must have us confused with Reddit.

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Phobic isn’t the right word. Nobody’s afraid of you. Just think you’re fucking gross and disgusting and intolerable to be around. Fear and revolt are entirely separate things.

The L(spergs) and B(whores) where removed because those groups are trash, so its just gtq now

>Yes I love cock in my tight little asshole
"I'm gay" would have sufficed you disgusting faggot

utterly based and without doubts redpilled.

Op has been through too much sissy hypno kink stuff. His brain is dead and he's now a gay zombie.

my girlfriend's niece got over her gay phase after she got out of college

and the aversion is not irrational, therefore the "phobic" is incorrectly applied. Pic related.

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isn't becoming an 41% hero more kinda your thing, faggot?

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Brown people aren't attractive, I only fuck White guys.

>Yes I love cock in my tight little asshole
I think that means you're gay, but I'm not sure.

No one cares if you're gay, we just care the fact that you want to force everyone else to be a brainwashed horny weirdo like you.

lol fag

Pol cant be homophobic, its full of faggots

oooh so edgy being proud of touching kids. If you are so proud why are you still anonymous?

>Everyone who disagrees with my sinful life choices must secretly want to be like me
Maximum cope

>posting in slide thread
I sincerely hope you guys dont do this

>tight little asshole
your farts sound like slowly opening a soda bottle
the only resistance they face is from all the pollups and cysts and herpes sores from all the disease that's growing inside you

screenshot saved and submitted
partyvan inc faggot
hope you like prison

>not having secret incest sex with your aunt