Will America survive this?

Will America survive this?

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Yeah, but will limp for a while.

America is already dead and has been since the 1960s.

you mean will the petrodollar survive this?

god, i hope not.

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yes america superpower until 3020

1913 creation of the Federal Reserve was the official time of death, the years following have been a sad funeral procession where the jews have been picking the pockets of the mourners.

The world as we know it wont survive it. Enjoy the ride.

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Absolutely, but the Republican party won't.

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Meet your new boss:

>''In other words, the federal government is nationalizing large swaths of the financial markets. The Fed is providing the money to do it. BlackRock will be doing the trades.

>This scheme essentially merges the Fed and Treasury into one organization. So, meet your new Fed chairman, Donald J. Trump.''

Trump said he’s signing an EO halting all immigration, so the low-wage unskilled job market is obviously fucked.

for the sake of all good Americans, I hope to God not. this corpse has walked long enough

Hope not. Balkanize when?

If we don't, we declare war on China. And then we reclaim our right to the world's throne through the boost to an economy that only a world war can provide.

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By July, we’ll be alright. It’s going to suck for a while.

It’s not that simple. America is ideologically divided between urban and rural rather than regions. Pic is the state of Oregon; guess where Portland is.

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If you declare war to china it will end at best like when anglo declared war to germany, or france declared war to anglos, you cant fight cycles.
Either you loose and china win, or you loose and china loose too.

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It's literally a takeover, they are planning on pushing this until 2022. Some new Harvard "study" says they'll need to keep this social distancing in place for 2 more years haha.

Biggest and lamest hoax ever.

You mean secure Jewish hegemony of world dominance and the continuation of globohomo status quo. Good plan.

Or we beat China...


Nothing will be same

I live in Ohio. We could become our own country without dealing with blue hairs. We'd also have an air force, tanks, fuel, and farms. Everything we need.

You going to pay for all that with corn? Ohio has that stuff because the feds give them money for it.

So, if you get shortness of breath, you won't got to the hospital?

>you loose and china loose too
The fading United Kingdom beat the rising Germany in WW1 and WW2, we both know how it ended for anglos.

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If it doesn't kill them it will severely cripple them.
The american demise will be a slow happening.
Next century they aren't a superpower anymore, and maybe won't even exist at all.

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>we declare war on China. And then
There won't be a "then" if you're stupid enough to declare war on China.
That will be the beginning of the end for you.
But please go head.DO IT.

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We’ll be fine, can’t say the same about our “friends” to the North however.

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Every thread burgers start screaming war.

How exactly do you declare war on China when they've not done anything to you that is an act of war?

The whole World would oppose it, except for a few cuck countries

We have a tank plant, wright-patt, husky refinery, we sit on a shit ton of oil, and there are farms everywhere. If we were to balkanize, who's going to come and take it from us?

How about creating the coronavirus than billing china for the damages then when they refuse to pay nationalize their industry and property and refuse debt obligation as Reperation payments.

Again, most countries would oppose that as it's never been done before.

I didn't see anybody threatening Mexico with war or reparations for Swine Flu

I am in awe at the size and girth of that bird
>an absolute unit

as if this wasnt the greatest chance ever to develop social security, enhance homeland money circulation and become less dependent on the rest of the world while in the same strike enhancing control over the people and making them peaceful with money.

it's literally what Bismarck would do.

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Would you rather have a Jew controlled USA as superpower or chink commie?