/nbg/ Nothingburger General #1

>170K Dead in 5 months from Corona
>The world is ending!!!! Society will collapse!!!! We can't sustain this!!!! Panic!!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day

• 1,061,200 people die every week

• 4,244,800 people die every month

• 50,900,000 million people die every year

>inb4 muhh exponential
Been below the peak for what, 17 days? Hahahahahaha

The doomer cult /cvg/ got hyped up by the echochamber of schizos, blue check-marks and sensationalist news. They're way too assblasted to admit it either, no doubt you'll see them seething in this thread, giving no arguments and spouting bullshit.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Its not the virus we should be watching out for, its our governments response to the virus.

why would /cvg/ be angry about people calling it a mild flu and wanting to go back to work?

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>muhh deadly virus but didn't even care about catching it, held press confrences close together time after time after time
>muhh deadly virus but they didn't even wear masks
>muhh deadly virus but states already opening

Go back to your containment thread

Why do we have hospitals if people are dying anyways? So much money could be saved every year. It's all for nothing.

hospitals are selling hope and sometimes delay the inevitable

The corona crisis would even be a crisis if americans weren't fucking subhumans and behaved in a hygienic way - keeping distance, wearing mask, cleaning the hands and face regulary

Instead America is full of nutjobs that doesn't even believe in viruses, because muh jeezus

And here you are needing to order a mass cremation trucks

>because muh jeezus

Get out doublethink coronabot
We all know the virus isn't even that bad, it's literally on par with a bad flu season.

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hmm interesting

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>exponential curve
>2-3 week incubation period
>People and goverments begin to quarantine and take hygienic measures
>curve flattens
>nothingburgers: "I told you it was just a flu user"

Maximus copius

Most people weren't even following the policies + we had supermarkets and all this other shit open

Based. Nothingburgers were right all along while LARP schizos have spent the last 4 months on 3500 generals and 35000 threads total over flu.

>The Covid-19 outbreak in Los Angeles County could be up to 55 times bigger than the number of confirmed cases
>The data, if correct, would mean that the county’s fatality rate is lower than originally thought
That would put the CFR of Covid-19 in between 0.08% and 0.16%, the same as the flu.

>The first large-scale community test of 3,300 people in Santa Clara County found that 2.5 to 4.2% of those tested were positive for antibodies
>“Our findings suggest that there is somewhere between 50- and 80-fold more infections in our county than what’s known by the number of cases than are reported by our department of public health"
Authors estimate between 0.12% and 0.20% fatality rate, a mild-bad flu.

>A COVID-19 outbreak at a North Carolina state prison has spread to 259 inmates
>Of the 259 infected, a full 98% showed no symptoms

>146 homeless persons at The Pine Street Inn shelter in Boston tested positive for the coronavirus without showing any symptoms
>The asymptomatic homeless persons were confirmed following a small cluster of case of the virus last week, prompting the testing of 397 people at the shelter

>Every year, on average, 15% of flu cases are caused by coronaviruses.

>Chairman of the Israeli Space Agency and the National Council for Research and Development says models show COVID-19 declines after 6 weeks.
>"This is how it is all over the world. Both in countries where they have taken closure steps like Italy and in countries that have not had closures like Taiwan or Singapore. In such and such countries there is an increase until the fourth to sixth week, and immediately thereafter moderation until during the eighth week it disappears."

happenigfags on suicide watch

>35000 threads
>~380 posts per /cvg/ thread
13,300,000 posts made about something that's killed 1/100th that number (probably less cause they're counting whoever the fuck they want as corona to get national aid)

After weeks of lockdown. The states literally have to manage the cattle to not allow it to spread exponentially

preventive measures are too much for the average brainlet, they only understand things that happen. You would propably pull out control rods on a nuclear reactor because nothing happens there.

Reminder that this is just a slightly bad flu season


Attached: Screen-Shot-2020-04-01-at-3.31.57-PM.png (631x572, 205.6K)

These are all from 2018 btw


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USA has 1/10 of the total deaths from world war 2 already. That toll will probably at least triple meaning it will kill roughly 1/4 to 1/3 of the number of Americans who died in ww2

>omg second wave!!!! it'll be just like spanish flu!!!!!

/cvg/tards neglect to realize there was literally a war going on
pic related is why your second wave happened, we're not gonna have conditions like this after lockdown

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>he got btfo so hard in /cvg/ he made a thread about it

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I don't go on that schizo thread hahahaha, gtfo doomer fag

kek what a seething bitch

>Waaahhhh my virus was a nothingburger!!!!
Pathetic hahahaha

It's the same curve in countries who didn't do shit about it.

It was a media-fed mass hysteria and it's time to reopen. End of discussion.

friendly reminder

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