False flags: twin towers, h1n1, covid19

False flags: twin towers, h1n1, covid19

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It was just an experiment to see if they could get the public to accept martial law and "emergency" suspension of rights.

This is how people try to cope. We are very nearly at a million infected. Even if the death ticker didn't update to account for the "surge" in suspected cases due to lack of testing, it would still sit pretty at a 4% CFR, just like every other country in the world that hasn't documented its cases poorly.

I have Covid 19 and im literally dying in a hospital bed rn you racist fucks. All you had to do was stay home.

Post ground glass opacitittes

Why didnt you fatass?

fuck you crisis actors

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I doubt even the authors would say that. "Argues it's possible" would be more correct.

Maybe in your last moments you should reflect on your life instead of calling people online racist.
Oh wait that was actually your entire life.

But what is the rate of long term health effects?

yeah it is always easier to just say that 'em akchtyualy everyone is infected, so those million infected and 10% death rate is akchtyaly 0,1%"

>being so delusional you die from flu cause media told you to do it
The absolute state of libtards lmao.

Ass kicking time

>april 2020
>nothingburgerfags still at it

when will you fags stop? even if this turns out to be merely a "more dangerous flu", we haven't known that because we had no first hand experience with this virus and the only country that did at the time was the fucking chinks

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>1 post by this ID

It's all so tiresome...

Yes, basically

And they can release how many viruses they want

Should have taken your D vitamins

Good luck boomer

>we haven't known that because we had no first hand experience

that doesn't mean you get to make up bullshit stories whole cloth about how the virus gives you AIDS and explodes your nut sack and gives you cerebral palsy or whatever fact-less nonsense is in /cvg/ right now.

This was clear from the start. The people who crashed the economy over this should be prosecuted.


Long term organ damage is rare. Don't let fear mongers scare you, don't let them take your livelihood under the guise of a slightly worse than normal flu.

This is from L'eco di Bergamo. Almost all of them are over 65 and with other conditions.

Try not to die in make believe time.

Let’s see what the body count looks like poor countries with outbreaks. Countries like Bangladesh and South Africa don’t have the heal infrastructure to deal with a widespread pandemic. If the bodies start stacking up, I’ll start believing the state was totally right to shutdown everything.

Look up the guy who wrote this article also did the study lol

What if you compare this to the death rate of regular flu?
Including those who do not display symptoms of regular flu?
I am willing to bet the death rate of regular flu is lesser than COVID19 if you use the same measurements.

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Stanford study hasn't been peer reviewed you fucking retards. Just because a study exists that says x doesn't mean x is true.

Die faster.

This. If you cared about people dying, then quarantine the high risk people. It's not like oldies and fatties work anyway. Let the coronavirus sweep through the healthy people, cause zero damage, then move on with life.

But it is a nothingburger. All those people were about to die anyway.

ungebildeter schluchtenscheisser benutz dein gehirn und hoer auf dich von emotionen lenken zu lassen

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Nice link faggot
>all of the anons replying to literal shitpost
Ducking fagghots