Name me a more batshit crazy religion than christianity?

i'll wait...

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Would've helped the discussion if you'd laid out your argument beforehand.

Islam. The religion were a pedo was the messenger of god.


Religion of cannibals and pedophiles


Why is Christianity always the target? Really makes you think.


ikr, jewish thread

>Christians call every other religion demonic
>Christian bible talks of eating flesh of Jesus and drinking his blood (wtf?)

so cannibalism is ok to these jew worshippers but not worshipping a jewish demon (yaweh) is “demonic”


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You beat me to it.




Any non Catholic faith


Without poverty and fear, the Jewish cult of Christianity can not survive
The demonic god (Yaweh) of Christians openly says that he enjoys sucking off of pain and misery of his cult followers. He enjoys burning people that he thinks has done wrong for eternity and the only way to be saved of this “burning” is to submit your soul to this jewish demon.

And this cult is supposed to be normal and not cause mental illness among its followers

All three abrahamic cults worship the same demonic entity (Yaweh) and this is considered completely normal

Not to mention the fact that the myth of jewsus itself is copied from Egyptian folklores, not like the goatfuckers of arabia had enough brains to concoct a story like that on their own

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Judaism/Canaanite gods.

These faggots make voodoo and Paolo Mayombe look babby-tier

I’m sure Mary totally gave a Virgin birth and totally didn’t whore around like an arabian Jewish slut, cucking George and giving birth to a black child

the bitch invented a whole new cult to justify her whoring around and the Arabian goatfuckers bought her story kek

Every great mind and everyone who ever felt epiphany about life would want you morons as peaceful and castrated as possible because translating wisdom to the public is like fighting wind mills.

Therefore christianity is based as fuck and you can all go screw yourselves.

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I honestly hope Yeshua of Nazareth personally wrings your neck like a chicken.

Holy fuck, one more of theses threads?

I don´t give a fuck if the religion is about a penguin in the artic preaching about the polar bear god.

Christianity gives a lot of social stability and most of the social values it tries to spread are easily agreeable by anyone that´s 1% white, as dumb as their religion may seem sometimes.

Fuck off kike you aren´t welcome.

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Then explain the magi showing up at the Inn with no foreknowledge you fucking Jew. It was prophesied.

some redpills for you kike worshippers who still have some brain cells left.. repent and leave the jewish cult

Crazy how as soon as Roman emperor accepted Christianity, the entire empire came under the control of Jews and special laws were made just for Jews while innocent polytheist were killed just for not being part of the demonic jewish cult

Totally not demonic and vile

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Nobody cares about your lame d&c, memeflag kike

jewsus cult is weird

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Modern Jews are not Hebrews. Modern Jews are turk/hun, Hebrews are Iranian/southern europoor

They’re pretty much the same thing though. Scientology just sounds better.

>Your own planet vs. chanting worship at Jesus feet all day and all night for eternity.
>lots of tiny souls that make up your spirit vs. a magical invisible spirit that makes you worship your own emotions
>dead founder to idolise vs dead founder to idolise
>give your money to the church vs give your money to the church

They’re basically the same thing - magical premise for magical premise.


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I don’t usually reply to these but Jesus Christ is genuinely real and God, whoever has eyes to see will his moving endlessly, luckily he he chose me and, not you,

Only against Christians. It's so tiresome

Fuck off cunt.
Newfags need to know and I'll keep posting until the board is nuked.

All of them. Anyone who believes in sky creatures and afterlife and bullshit like that is a brainlet.

>but we preach Christ crucified: a stumbling block to Jews and foolishness to Gentiles, but to those whom God has called, both Jews and Greeks, Christ the power of God and the wisdom of God. (1 Cor.1:23-24)


They don't care about who replies. They only care that someone replies. You're doing exactly what they want. At least sage your posts...