Patriotism is the plague of the world

No being proud of your country isnt wrong but get this right

>no one, in its right mind gives a shit about how great you think your country is

>being patriot does not makes you a good or even decent human being, it tells nothing about your real values and how you act in life

>nationalism should be detested by the educated, as its source of unfair wars and genocide

May one day countries disappear to let place to the righteous people

Pic related is an invasive specie of monkey

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ok tranny

yes, fucked up empires with millions of different peasants being taxed by a reduced class of faggots is the way to go. Fuck of cocksucker

>nationalism should be detested by the educated, as its source of unfair wars and genocide
memeflag starts a thread against nationalism
derides whites in the process
we're onto you
you israeli hiding behind memeflag

American are the worst you guys act so proud and loud while you should be so quiet as you live in a monstruosity

Indeed. Patriotism is for cucks.

Real men are nationalists.

Im sad for you, being so far from any sort of truth. Using insults that means nothing to me

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No one gives a shit about you either OP also you may as well kill yourself

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All of that was staged. Not organic. Very sloppy

You are right but you are also a memeflag.

I memeflag because i argue against nationalism, but here we go

They are just fat larpers. What could you expect?

Without the patriot, who wanted a nation to begin with, you’re not using the fucking internet to talk shit.

>toothpaste flag

Yeah, opinion disregarded

All OPs with contrarian opinions and memeflags make me suspicious even if I agree witht them.

Yeah but guess what, the opposite of patriotism like the EU wants will also lead to wars because they're using open borders and self-hate to fill countries up with invaders. Patriotism and closed borders in this case would have saved a lot of bloodshed to come.

You sound like you're a loser from an insignificant country, memeflag.

It is human nature to want to form groups with people who are like you, who share the same interests, values, religious beliefs etc. That's how you pick your friends.

I want to live in a country full of people just like me, and would be proud of such a place, and happy to live there. Nationalism is merely living the kind of life you wish to live, surrounded by a bunch of people who want to live that way too. Without a bunch of fucking niggers and kikes complaining about it.

Fuck your kike multiculturalism.

Evolution of man and man's society. But do you even believe in evolution

There has always been a very strong and vocal anti-nationalism among millions of people here, and now exacerbated greatly by both Trump and social media. So that side is just as vocal and boisterous, if not moreso, these days

ok meme flag

nothing wrong with nationalism

Yeah juge me based on my country, you murrican sure illustrate well my opinions

>May one day countries disappear to let place to the righteous people
>righteous people
So a world without liberals or shitskins? I'm in

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Hey honey, you see this, you read about this, you know what's going on? Let's have children and promise them everything we never had!

i think patiotism is good. you should be able to express your love of your own nation. but the problem is that some patriots are also nationalists. nationalists say that their country is the best, and anyone from a different race, even if they agree with them, will shame them and advocate for violence against these other races.

>Patriotism is the plague of the world
>No being proud of your country isnt wrong
wew lad

I know i dont hate you all ofc im just provoking the ones i don't like

how is showing your flag nationalism?

Because i make a difference between righteous pride and mindless praising you goat

ok femboy

do you argue against nationalism because it refutes globalism? nationalism is an important vehicle for anti-globalist sentiment. if you argue against nationalism then you're intentionally or unintentionally attempting to weaken the ability of sovereign states to not sell their manufacturing and service sectors to overseas human rights violators.

Youll have to kill me first

And i know you will because you people respect nothing a cherish only yourself