Rip antisemitism

I can't believe how hard antisemitists got BTFOd by this! Let's admit it, the Jews have won and only because they are smarter and better than any of you pathetic hateful goyim.

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Give me 1 n*Rdic invention that had a serious impact on the world


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And he lost his Aflac commercial job in 2011 offending the Nips during that Mega quake/Tsunami. OH THE IRONY, IAGO.

no one remembers Hitlers birthday, but the jews do.
The amount of butthurt created by hitler is amazing that transcends generations.

So they admit to running the world

they constantly admit to it, where the fuck have you been, boomerbrain?

They think the US is the world. They certainly do run the US.

cumskins btfo. even niggers have a higher IQ than cumskins

He's a comedian.

Hitler was a good useful idiot for us.

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oof, imagine being indian

he does it every year, and just for the lulz, compare his and hitler's voices.

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hes not funny, i would argue against classifying him as a comedian

Here's your (you). You really wanted it bad didn't you?

any other policy is a fool's errand until the jews are extinct.
here's more proof

Jews succeed in the same manner any other criminal organization does. They are willing to do what normal moral people will not, lie, cheat, steal, murder, corrupt, subvert. They're not smarter and better, they're seedier and more despicable.

But then one day, they make the decent people so disgusted and angry that they are swept away in a firestorm of terror and violence. That's the way it always ends, and it will end the same way this time, as it always has. Except that this next time, we won't make the mistake of leaving any survivors. Next time will be the last time.

Your day is coming jew.

His stand up sucks but he was pretty funny just talking shit on the Stern show.

imagine being a beta cumskin manlet. you literally have the weakest immune systems and lowest IQs of all humanity. jews manipulate and take advantage of you, niggers are superior to you in strength and fuck your bitches like grapes, we currys and pakis occupy your cities and take your jobs. imagine being this pathetic LOL

>Birthday message to Hitler: even after 80 years you live in my head rent free. Oy vey!

You shut up now and open bobs and also vagana. No? Rape you next week!

>technology = good
nope. inventions arent what make people great, user. its about morals, values, ethics.

Indians wear cheap cologne and sell old products that are expired.

i don't like jews, but I like gilbert gottfried

I don't buy it.
Provide proof that jews run the world and that their ruling is just.

Shut up you fucking pussy ass white bitch. That’s not true.

He literally hastened the creation of Israel. He also killed the innocent poor jews and let the smart, rich ones escape to other countries thereby improving the jewish gene pool.

We dont "rule" the world. But we're definitely play a significant part in banking,media,entertainment industry, academic institutions...

Google - Jews
Youtube - Jews
Facebook - Jews
The top 3 largest websites in the world run by jews.

I was laughing my ass off when the antic dealer in the man in the high castle said if the Reich and Japan had lost the war the jews would run the world now.
How can you watch or better yet take part in making it and not start thinking.

That's because Dick was actually redpilled.

Because they value their own culture, and put their own people above other ethnic groups. That and owning the US military

I've always said the globalism is their end.
They can't just skip town anymore and start over in the next where they've already established a new base.
The information age will have all the records of them and their doing.
There's nowhere they can hide and there are no excuses left to lie.

So basically anything that goyim see that might influence their view of reality, is produced by a jew.

Yeah he’s dead..and never coming back..right?

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Next thing you know you’ll be calling him a savior..wait what?

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Yea, gottfried's been a nobody since the 90s


Your post proves Hitler right though... your idiotic gloating about their nepotism and infiltration of all Western institutions. Norwegian men are the gayest I’ve ever met.

Exactly what Hitler said

Again, the americans did fuck all in europe durign ww2

So why are you speaking English? Because your whole culture is the white mans’ bitch and your love the role, you even emigrate en masse to become their low class wage slaves, fuck!