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That is unfortunate.

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>imagine cancelling Wiesn because of 5k deaths which is 1/5th of flu deaths in the same timeframe

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oktoberfest is so degenerate

>all those brown immigrant cocks that won't be nestled between drunk german pussy lips

absolute shame

mutt's law

>a new virus achieving those results in a fraction of time that the flu took isn't worrying
i thought germans were supposed to be smart


Those aren't Germans.

sorry user. i come from a place with no cultural traditions to be proud of, but i am saddened by this for you. nice trips btw

They will claim its for health reason, but in reality its to suppress white culture.

The one on the right could be, but checked.


>fraction of time
wrong, i said in the same time period

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I will have me a taste of some German Pussy before I die. MARK MY WORDS!!!

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>white culture
you've never been to Oktoberfest then
it's niggers, americans, american niggers and chinese
locals don't go there anymore (at least most of them)

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Hey fuck you buddy, we're the mutts.

Because of virus or lack off beautiful blonde mädchen?

How about stop letting the government and local authorities organise everything for you and throw a fucking party anyway?

Awwwwwwww with the Germans not have an excuse to drink themselves silly. I lived in Germany for a full year and they could use a break from the devil's nectar.

That doesn't mean it isn't an event rooted in white identity. Not your fault that globalism exists.

Shit music, annoying people and overpriced beer - should be canceled permanently.

t. Saupreiß

Extroverts btfo hahahaha it only gets better

Seems a little premature to be honest.

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Oktoberfest was touristy shit anyway, I'm more sad over all the small Volksfeste getting canceled like the Dult.

10/10 in germland

>can't read

is this why you cant ever find the loo, poo?

noooooooooooo! how will migrants deal with their sexual emergencies

Nigger, octoberfest was created in the first half of 19th century.

For me it's the one on the left

It is loosely based on older Germanic traditions, but yeah it's commercial/degenerate shit.

Cancelling the Bavarian holy month is not aligned with the will of God.



>Held in September

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