What is your position on facemasks for the general public?

What is your position on facemasks for the general public?

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Giant cat, or tiny woman?

nothing wrong with masks and surgical masks but n95 masks for everyone is fucking stupid.

I'm all for masks.. I especially like breaking into random bane it kylo ren dialogue when holding conversations with normies..

I like how they lied to us and said masks make it worse, then switched it back and said masks help

How were masks supposed to make it worse?

cute kot
didn't even read the post

They don't do shit
You have a vessel which goes to your
nostril via tear cannal
This is a massive cope for normies

She has a giant pussy

look at that heckin chonker

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You're a fucking sperg kill yourself

should be mandatory

Does God want people to cover their faces?

Is God mad?

If your over 60 or have a preexisting condition that makes you more vulnerable to the virus MASK UP.
As i am healthy i wont use one ever .
If i do get the gook flu then i will most likely just ride the bus around all day carrying my groceries spraying saliva everywhere.

I agree.
you might catch if people are physically coughing close to you, otherwise why worry.

Remember a couple of months ago they said You have to be with someone infected for 20 minutes ( can't remember exactly) to possibly get infected

just made my mask today so i can "legally" go outside in my state lol

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Giants cats have that kind of shitty fur.

They’re at best useless if you’re not at high risk (elderly). Used improperly, which most people are doing, they actually increase the risk of exposure.

how to wear properly vs improperly? just cover the noise idiot

Something to do with the moisture attracting the virus. Or touching the mask then touching your eyes. Anything to keep you from buying them.

I am not wearing one nor do I care if anyone else does.

I we actually want airborne AIDS controlled: At least wear a fucking scarf so you don't coof everyone you walk by.
Sven-Anders still going for herd though, which means I'm still self isolating.

Gen public isn't smart enough to use PPE properly and you're naturally just going to touch your face if you're wearing PPE long enough. You can be safe and mindful when you're wearing a mask for 10 minutes in a patient's room, you won't be when you're wearing a mask for hours at a time.


Just be careful at the chinky

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Go fishing with a net where the holes are bigger than the fish. This is a non-n95 mask.

This. Idiots wear them but then remove them to cough, sneeze, scratch face, rub nose, blow nose, talk, talk on phone, order drive thru food, take a breather, readjust etc. Touching their face every time - much more frequently than had they not worn the mask in the first place.

When talking about normal cloth, I agree, but the line between n95, n90, and n80 is arbitrary

Yeah cloth is what normies think is working for them and has become consumerized. It’s a walking embodiment of who is a subject of the media vs. a free thinking citizen

I don't blame them for the most part, it's the natural consequence of wearing a mask for hours at a time. You're just going to forget that it's there and you stop being mindful. The fucking retards wearing gloves are the people who really get me. It's a respiratory illness, why are you wearing gloves? You're just going to touch everything and then touch your face because you think that you're clean since you're wearing gloves.

How legit is the eye transmission theory?

I'll be buying a level 3 (highest I can find, 99% protection) mask but it's half face, some other options cover the entire head but are waaaay more expensive

People who cover their toothbrushes with their hands when they flush the toilet because the janitor they used to work with shared a blog post from 2006 on Facebook about Dr Oz vaguely mentioning airborne bacteria. People hear what they want to hear and take it to ridiculous and unproductive extremes

Me on the left