Holy shit anons

I think I figured it out. All of the Asian race mix threads, pic related, are being posted by the Chinese government in a attempt to copy the Israeli model strategy.

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Here's the issue, Chinks look gross while Japanese are superior looking

Are puffy nippl3s an Asian trait


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remember to wear condoms when you fuck korean women

they lie a lot and will control your life

Every real chinese girl ive ever cracked open smelled repulsive

Mingoloid insect DNA is all dominant and glomphs any people who mixes with them. This is why the Chinese repeatedly married their daughters off to Mongol Turk and Aryan Western barbarians to Chinkify their next of kin and make them more likely to join or submit to China. Do (NOT) fuck Chinks

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They want all whites to choose for race mixing, so they promote BBC for white females, and cute little Chinese for white males.

I want to racemix with Japanese women desu.

Why would the Chinese want us to take their women? I date asian girl because she is hot and smart.

they want to steal your genes and experiment on them

Go away kike

Don't think that they will be easy. Japan has a very proud culture even though their culture has gotten so much damage. The few good woman left, just as in our country's will not race mix obviously. Why would they do that? Honouring their ancestry while destroying it?

Does not make sense.

Why would the Chinese government want white men to have fulfilling relationships with loyal smart women?

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You should not say that brother, everyone here is thinking that you came up with what you said while no one else was thinking about it. What you just said represents you, fren.

Thank me later.

white roasties on suicide watch

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>Chinese government
take your meds paranoid schizo

It's disposable, low value white men - often with inferior genetics - who have given up on white women and can only cope through finding Asian women instead. Simple. As.

Prepare for a future with many mentally ill hapas.

Asians got garbage genetic,weaks,small,low test,garbage dentition,no charisma or social skill.

No wonder Asian females want to mix to avoid males asians

Imagine giving up your blue eyes for a brown eyed asian girl

What did he mean by this?

>china already has a shortage of women
>but they want white men to come in and take even more of them
You're fucking retarded. Protip: we fuck Asian women, because we like their tight cunts. Just because I enjoy fucking them though, doesn't mean that China isn't a shithole, and that Xi doesn't deserve a bullet.


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You guys really should have white only babies, unless you're willing to lose them during the global biological ethnotargeted cleansing

Honestly if you can't find a white girl almost 7 years younger then you when you are in your mid 20s like me who is a virgin then you should just blast your brains out with a shotgun! Only a fucking incel loser would go with some Filipino whore that you faggots find! You will all be killed off like lambs to the slaughter in the new German Reich!

here's your white roastie tradwife you cuck

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>deserve a bullet.
yes you do deserve a bullet you faggot. now go back to fapping on your interracial cuck porn you fucking loser!

>kikes manipulating white women to fuck niggers
>chinks trying to manipulate white men to fuck chink women

Fucking subhumans being envy of white people

Yeah I didn't only faggot Americans or Western cucks do! I have a white virgin girlfriend who is almost 7 years younger then me. Anyone who does not find a virgin white girlfriend deserves the gas chambers! Simple as!

Lmfao. No.
We will not start a new Reich based on bloodshed. It will be harmony and liberalism.

Haha poor girl doesn't know that men would prefer an ugly or really weird girl that is 100% loyal and is a great mom over her. 10 years from now she will find out though.

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>Fucking subhumans being envy of white people
Based German knows what is up! It is mostly these cucked jewed out Ameritards promoting that plus the Anglos of course, all these shithole countries obviously! The greater Germanic Reich must be preserved and these shitholes like the USA and the UK must be cleansed of it's non white filth, neither nation has a single white in them! The whites that are there even though there is very little as the USA for example is below 5% white can be spared!

>Yas Forums is full of white knight tradcuck white roastie worshipers now?

what happened?

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>send all their ugly effeminate men to breed with africans, evening out the chinese onions gene
>send all their ugly women to breed with white men increasing their attraction by 2 points
>breed the attractive men with the attractive women to create the master chinese race
>all the mutts will bow to the chinese chads and stacies by pure instinct

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chinks and gooks, their yayoi feature is inferior

well dadgummit this is a model strategy i can get behind!

Yas Forums is full of kikes and other non-whites, seeing happy white people (especially males) makes them seethe.

suburbanites came here thinking it was a "type nigger" club

Chinese women are just as bad as westerners, look up leftover women. I don't think racemixing is necessarily bad, however I do think that a majority of the threads talking about AFWM are just the Chinese trying to push race mixing with them. I think this is done because it gives them more cover easier and builds a relationship with america that goes around thhe government.

Heh but chad dont

lmoa, except thats also white women and white women often have a bloated ego/belly on top of that

The CCP wants to prostitute their women to highly educated foreigners

Marriage to chinese girls doesn't exist. You can't marry an insect.

Maybe its because white men like nice white butts?
Huge white titties with pink nipples?
And not flat gooks?
Beautiful pink pussies?
Maybe we want our children to have gorgeous blue eyes?
Maybe because we don't watch 10 hours of blacked a day like you?
Ever think about that?

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there are lots of ethnicities trying to do carrot and stick stuff here, newfag

Name them.

day of the rake has now been cancelled

It looks like his beard is hugging that Roman guy next to him

based Xi. FUCK wh*te w*men, I'd rather marry a woman who eats all animals instead one who of gets fucked by all animals

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This would be more accurate if the right one was turned on its side