Converts all your right-wing e-celebs into commies in your path

>Converts all your right-wing e-celebs into commies in your path.

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a literally nobody pedophile with some fat followers

god I hate online culture. just some retarded fatasses who can't stop jerking off and playing video games having political discussions like they matter. no one in the real world has heard about your 'e-celebs'. no one cares about them. they don't change anything - they just yap into a camera and get paid for it by broke retards.

when i get power you are all going to the camps

>still promoting e-celebs like it's 2015

Who is this hairy faggot. Looks like the only thing he can convert is calories to bodyfat.

He looks like he takes dicks in his ass

This person promotes beastiality fetishes, and sexually harasses girls online. He also has never responded to this video

>vaush: dumber than kraut?

in which he gets completely debunked and made to look like a fool.

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Dude, nobody knows who you are. Fuck off.

Generic fat beardo #2740123 blocks your path

What the fuck is wrong with his ear? Does he have aids?

I can't wait for all you commie children to be forced back into zog schools were your brains get melted and niggers rob you for milk money again. Getting tired of this eternal summerfaggotry

came here to post this

came here to post this


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Putting my name down in advance for a position of authority at one of these camps you speak of.

Chad Vaush makes all the nazi crybabies seethe

>Loses to a retard like Sargon

Thank you in advance for your service, Gruppenführer lTeln/gK.

The right wing propaganda system has been destroyed and converters like Contrapoints and Destiny are exploding right now.

The internet, like the streets, have been won by the left.

That poor, fat, retarded fucker destroyed himself in the Molymeme debate.

He's just barely sentient.

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You niggers can't even win the nomination because you couldn't bother to even vote. You cower in the streets after real men strike you down every time.

Imagine giving a shit about e-celebs.

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Reminder that he is dishonest and also an online predator.

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The only thing you need to know about him is that this thing is his girlfriend

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These are the voices of your generation.

I mean, who DOESN'T look like that in 2020?

Obese retard with a ponytail who looks like he has never seen sunlight. Nobody knows who he is nobody of value cares about his opinion.

We overrure this thread by installing 5g

me too, imma be secret police chief n shit

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In a just world she would be chased down at walking speed and carved up for a 6 month supply of butter.

mother of all hamplanets ...

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My girl is fat i stopped fucking her she just gets fatter the more I neglect her
