Blackpill [Open]


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Why did they do that to the pigs?

Cause bugmen are subhuman insectoid creatures

Are they bugmen? I couldn't tell from the 2 pixels

chinks are not human

hence they abuse nature and animals



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ask me how i know you're non-white

show flag cunt

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Those pigs are diseased, also that occurred in like brazil.

They got diagnosed with the die


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June crude light futures dropped 32% in the last half hour.
At 13.70, they were at 21-22 yesterday.
With a month left til expiry.
This is honestly some shit.

Real life minecraft.

she's hot in minecraft

In hell those monsters are going to be eaten by angry pigs forever.


You sad silly wanker

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sometimes you actually need to kill it with fire, this is one of those times.

Couldn't they kill them before tossing them in that pit? Imagine the sound when they set fire to them.

I like animals more than you parasites.
I still hunt and kill animals, no need for sadistic suffering.
These parasites burying these pigs need to be sodomized, their families sodomized in front of them, then their entire blood line purged.

Again if shoot and ever ever hog in there, but there is no point other than personal enjoyment, to do something like burn them alive.
I'm 4 edge lords, beat you to it.
I'm glad covid exist, I'm glad the white race is going extinct, I'm glad niggers murder and kill white women.

Wouldn't it be comfy if you could trust the decline? Like, being in a multiculti world wasn't what it obviously is? Just loli girlfriends and burger king kid's club friends who all shitpost like you?

Honestly if I could secure a future, I'd live it, but I know there's no hope for whites in that madness but the enemies we are now.

Great now I want to eat a burger wrapped on bacon.

You dumb drunk fuck, gtfo

The video with sound is on liveleak, I wouldn't advise listening to it.


>I'm glad the white race is going extinct
not so fast we are not going anywhere and neither are our country's Long Live the fruits of the Saints

oil is indeed a scam.
Oil was only use full for kerosene for lamps.
A byproduct of refining kerosene is gas.
Gas was considered a trash byproduct and they would dump it out by the barrel into the rivers just to get rid of it. I was said that if you were to light a match on the * river, that the whole river would go up in flames, due to the quantity of gas dumped into it by the distillery.
Henry fords original car, prior to the model t, was designed to run off of corn oil. A fad we didn't see return until the 2000s which was immediately dubbed as a gimmick hippy liberal movement by shills.
Ford was convinced to make his vehicles run off of gasoline as a way to double dip off of the refinement of kerosene.
Diesel engines were not designed to run off of "diesel fuel", "diesel fuel" is a meme made up by the petroleum industry. A diesel engine was originally designed to "run off of a variety of fuel ranging from kerosene to coal dust". It was basically a hauss of an engine that was designed to run off of whatever the fuck you had to throw into its tank. Done with your liquor? pour it in. In the 1900 world fair, they even had a diesel engine that ran off of peanut oil.
The fuel which is now known as "diesel" fuel is actually a byproduct of the further refinement of the byproduct known as "gasoline". to refine gasoline, you wind up with diesel fuel.
the entire fuel industry is nothing by shilling and selling off waste byproduct to get as much out of a barrel of crude as possible. They've designed our whole society to run around it. Pic related is what they get out of every single barrel of oil.

The vast majority of this manipulation of our society occurred during the existence of a company named "the standard oil company", which reigned as a tyrant in the fuel sector. they are the reason anti-monopoly laws exist today. they used their power and influence to push literally everyone out of business, sometimes giving fuel away in regions just to kill off

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fucking gook cunts. Shame the gook flu didn't wipe out their whole disgusting country

Yellow pill:

White women are shit.

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Disease containment. It's cheaper and cleaner to kill them that way than bringing them to a slaughterhouse that would need heavy cleaning afterwards.
The video with sound is still unpleasant.

Why do you still kill them if you like them?

>Again if shoot and ever ever hog in there

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They used their power and influence to push literally everyone out of business, sometimes giving fuel away in regions just to kill off all of the other competition. If it wernt for their meddling, people wouldn't be using oil today. Not to go into an eco debate, the rights and wrongs of using oil are not the purpose of this post, but it is an objective fact that the corn alcohol fuel of the era, the electric cars of the early 1910s, and other environmentally "safe" alternatives such as solar panel would have taken off if it went for the dominance of oil in American society, and that dominance was the undeserved result of unchecked capitalism that is now very illegal.
when standard oil was finally broken up, the results weren't much better than they are today. the standard oil company was simply split into companies that still have dominance over the entire sector:split into Sohio (now part of BP); ESSO (now Exxon); and SOcal (now Chevron).
This "slain" monopoly still has unfathomable influence over our society today.

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Pay close attention :

"regime change"
"hate china goy"
"get vaccinated goy"
"coronachan am I right fellow anime watching anons?"

Ok, but why set them on fire for like 30s before burying them alive?

damn, that's rough. poor piggos never stood a chance. pigs are bros, why would they do this?