What is it about left wing politics that attracts mentally ill whites?

What is it about left wing politics that attracts mentally ill whites?

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why are right wingers low iq and keep posting photoshopped/cherry picked data?

follow your leader and shoot yourself in the head

Ethnomasochism is a fetish to the mentally ill. Just look at the people who harbor these sentiments, weak, submissive, get off on being dominated.

Political conservatives have higher IQ scores than political liberals, even when you account for race and sex. Also, these aren't cherrypicked or photoshopped. Why do you tell yourself these lies?

Shows how whites are the only truly diverse group.

You look like the mentally ill one.

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Conservatives do not profile as neurotics, but liberals do. When just looking at whites, neuroticism seems to be the best answer to the question of "How will this person vote?"

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>writing liberal when you mean leftist
you just doxxed yourself, mutt.

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I think the effects of the mental health crisis on our political situation are some of the most interesting areas of study that can be looked at. What would compel these people to that behavior? Why would anyone do such a thing? You look at who a neurotic person is politically, and a lot of it is explained. I wish I had more info on picture images, but there's a lot to be understood in urban neuroticism, neuroticism in places where leftists inhabit (in colleges, 65% of students have a mental illness and 87% of professors) and the same tracts are mirrored in every other place.

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Take your meds, schizo.

It's just that....... the subject of mental illness' effects on beliefs explains a lot. The goal isn't to hurt people's feelings, but to save ourselves for what is likely to be a horribly worse state of collective mind a decade down the road.

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A man think he's a woman. Okay.
A man thinks he's a dog. Hmmmm.
A man thinks he's several decades older than he actually is. What?
A man is going to kill himself unless you tell him all of this is real.
^ That's progressivism's "progress."
We have to save ourselves before it's too late.

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You can understand, with absolute certainty how this person will vote.

Oh dear

Some people are more obvious than others.

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Something very very bad has happened to us.

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You have to be dumb or mentally ill to buy it.

Did the study fail to measure ethnic liberal white people in-group warmth?

This looks self made. Is there actually one that exists with another source?


Non Aryan whites hated by other, Aryan whites. Basically, right wing whites are mentally neanderthal (different brain wiring, etc.) and fundamentally incompatible with the rest of humanity, that includes some left wing whites. (Some, since the left has been plagued by genetically right wing people larping as left wingers, green etc. Ever since the were seen as cool, and it has been a huge pain in the ass, since right wingers are completely incapable of comprehebding leftist society )

They can’t look after themselves so need someone else to do it. Sage.


SPLC declares Black Hebrew Israelites a white nationalist organization, gimme a fucking break schlomoberg.

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leftist hair splitting won't make you human

That is some next level mental gymnastics.

What is it about politics that attracts the mentally ill?

this shit writes itself
that's some serious cope

>it's photoshopped and cherry picked
>doesn't debunk it at all
Well you definitely convinced everyone user.

What is it about atheism that attracts the mentally ill?