Now that America is truly fucked, the best is yet to come! Oil is -$40 a barrel, highest number of virus deaths because of no healthcare, and no more people actually coming in and the Army getting kicked out of Iraq. All oil wars will now come to an end and Americunt hegemony with it. ' 'America's Fucked Yeh' . All you have left are larps on this board. 300 years of shit it's all over now folks. Will the last person out of Washington turn out the lights. All we need now is a riot of major proportions and all you gun fags will kill each other.
Goodbye Americunt Hegemony!
relax you dumb britfag oil prices arent going anywhere
at least america is opening up
you brittards are lock up like hens, your gov doesn't give a shit about you people
Are you retarded or some shit? Oil prices were only negative for the may contract and on the last 12 hours of trading before settlement and receiving physical product. The only reason why prices went negative was because of short term DD/SS disruption where there is a shortage of storage space. June contracts are still floating at around $20-30
okay memeflag fag
This much cope can't be healthy for a person
>oil is -40$ a barrel
>doesnt know about 1950
>doesnt know how us shilled hard in 1950 to make sure oil transaction happen in $
>doesnt know about how oil prices is inversely proportional to $value
>doesnt know that when oil prices decrease
>doesnt know that biggest goal of united states was to bring oil price down
brits education everyone
if anything, usa is literally richer
Those fat fucks are fucked.the few hundred remaining white people should come here
Civilisation cycle, every empire has risen and fallen in 250 years. America will be 250 years old in 2026.
Meanwhile the red pill in Britain is that the society collapsed long ago and we are living in the ruins.
>oil prices arent going anywhere
>at least america is opening up
>if anything, usa is literally richer
yeah nothing bad will come of oil crashing.... it's nothing to worry about.. just millions of more jobs lost to add on the pile.
You are still living in modern civ. so no it hasnt collapsed at all not yet.
His real flag appears. Sad they didn't pick your boy Bernie. Bad luck.
Peak Oil, my ass. The leftists and greens really always tell bullshit.
I fucked ur mom in the back of her Ute
You're just going to ignore millions of lost jobs because why?
> not just buying ME oil and reselling it
>oil prices will stay like this forever
How long you been waiting for this moment? To be wrong again. Does it feel that good?
>America is so dominant that shitskins have to pay us to take their oil now
Imagine being so far left you interpret this as USA going down in power. Mental insanity is rea.
"Oh say can you pee on the lights going out. In the land of the pee and the new dawn of the slave". I hope the upcoming riots will be on telly. I love watching Americunts kill eachother. Your the best at it. All that pent up anger and lack of braincells added with your bump stocks and rapid firing. Love that shit. Americunt culture at its best.
The timing is perfect to buy the new Corvette since I don't need to worry about gas prices.
It isn't going anywhere soon, Nigel. I wish we could adopt your electrical plugs. I found them pretty neat as an electrician.
calm down mohammed
Good luck finding one.
>Arrested for spork.
>There are fates worse than death
Imagine living in a world where America never existed.
>No LGBT movement
>No wars for the Jews
>No anti-white agenda
>No globalism
>No Israel
>No Hollywood films promoting degeneracy
God, I hope burgerland collapses. May Coronachan save the world from the great Satan.
That's a good thing. Survival of the fittest and all the onions faggots, basement commies and sluts will know their place.
No. We have some high tech toys, meanwhile our people have no knowledge of their history, barely any education at all, and have become fat promiscuous drunks.
For over 900 years almost everyone in this country was married when they were virgins (usually 21 y/o man with a 14 y/o maiden) and had a house and kids in their village by 25. They went to church and had highly skilled professions, trades were so skilled they were more like artisans.
Now we slam pints on a Saturday night in Wetherspoons (built in the remains of some ancient guildhall or church) before proceeding to da club to find a chubby slag with low enough self esteem and enough alcohol to fuck. That’s our national sport. We live either in jam packed estates in cardboard houses that are rated to last 30 years before they rot, or literally in the remains of Victorian civilisation (ie in a real stone house).
England and the English (and Scots, Welsh, Irish, etc) remain, but our civilisation doesn’t.
Did you Europeans forget that everyone with even a hint of ambition and self reliance left your shit continent for the new world at least a hundred years ago, or do you just ignore it so you can sleep at night? Your gene pool is made up of subservient peasants and aristocrats so inbred they can't see straight.
It's so adorable how you're always ready and raring to baselessly criticize Americans when you lot of prattling retards can't even run your own economy, muster anything even close to a competent military, or even preserve your own culture in the face of the hordes third world rejects you let stream into your continent.
You can keep clinging to the false sense of superiority you've somehow fashioned yourselves from the ruins of empires that stopped being relevant before your parents were even born and blaming the Americans for all of your problems right up to the day when you finally pull your head out of your ass and look around to see the shambling corpse of European culture for what it really is. Most likely right after Russia gets done shit stomping you back to the bronze age, or the Muslim hordes tear down the Vatican and put up a mosque
5% of US work force is employed by the oil industry, if anyone think millions of people losing their jobs, on top of what is already happening, is a good thing you are commie scum. These are not low paying retail and food service jobs either.
Bunch of fucking idiots on /pol
oh no, cheap energy ...we won’t survive
>For over 900 years almost everyone in this country was married when they were virgins (usually 21 y/o man with a 14 y/o maiden) and had a house and kids in their village by 25. They went to church and had highly skilled professions, trades were so skilled they were more like artisans.
You are delusional
>20-30 not being equally alarming.
it's what he said
>doesnt know that biggest goal of united states was to bring oil price down
haha you low IQ faggot, your shale oil industry needs 50 a barrel to barely survive, it's not 1960s anymore
In my short life I've seen americunts invade and kill people who've never hurt them and now it's time for them to suffer. The true white race in Europe will emerge victorious in Europe without americunts. Thier Jew love is killing us all and making us look like idiots with thier jew love. Once Americunts are gone we can eradicate the jew, the mudslime, the poo and the chink from Europe. We will get there lads. We will get there. Then the third Reich will emerge for real.
should be fun watching a chinese hegemony come in and fuck teh world while america goes isolationist again. Dont worry, we'll probably bail the world out again in ww3 you bunch of fucking worthless faggots.
>nothing will happen
yes literally nothing.
usa already gave up 10% of its gdp to bailout biz and people, with oil prices this low, that 10% is nothing. usa literally can give 20% more bailout and nothing will happen.
>Goodbye Americunt Hegemony!
Enjoy your new Chinese and Islamic masters race traitor.
>Dont worry, we'll probably bail the world out again in ww3
With bows and arrows?
>The true white race in Europe
HAHAHAHAHA you mean africa 2.0? Europe is dead.
yeah, millions of lost oil industry jobs is nothing.
Nice argument
lol germany spent 60% of their gdp on a fucking virus, and is oil dependent.
usa literally drenched in oil with vast reserves, its dollor value increased becasue of price crash and literally spent 10% gdp.
good luck getting back from your broken economy, while usa is gonna drench in cash
My country is 96% white, u?
>bail out
Two of the most used Americunt words ever used. It's over for Americunts. You'll be bailing out your mother's from jail for whoring thier asses for corn syrup. Kek.
We weren't stupid enough to arm our immigrants.
America fell in 1912 or so, when it decided not to issue its own currency. So the international banking consortium should survive another 150 then? Rome had 300 years of straight peace. We will be fine, I am worried that everyone will see how effective resetting the market this was and hope to replicate it in the future.
Someone is going to hurt this guys feelings in this thread and then he’ll start talking about “it’s only bants mate”
We are not crytpo Jews larping as chirstcucks. The Jew has you by the foreskin and this is how it ends for you. Where are the Jews now? All hiding in their lairs until the shekles appear again. Tell me? Where are the Jews now?
You can't hurt my feelings. I'm the oldest fag in the village.
Trump pick for Fed board is big on gold standard
Trump is big on gold standard
Campaign slogan is Drain The Swamp
Drain The Swamp is book title for man that proposed NESARA, rejected by congress
Fed money backed by oil trade
Oil price now fucked
Perfect time to fuck the globalist kike bankers
Give us a return to constitutional currency
>oil wars
bluepilled, all middle east wars were actually to achieve Greater Israel
OI! Yaw mofuckuhs hov loicenses tuh poos awn dis fawrums?
Almost forgot, bend over for your Paki rape gangs
Enjoy your diversity nigger
You’ll be fine as a people, but expect your country as an institution to change radically if not balkanise by 2040.
Look at us. At peak empire people used to call the whole island Britain, and Scotland England and Wales were just vestigial regions of earlier history. Now they’ve got their own parliaments. We’ve regressed back down the curve of unity and will keep going.
I'm personally sick of my country sucking the cock of Israel. We have plenty of oil in our own land.
>and no more people actually coming in
Imagine thinking this is a clever response
>10% gdp already used for bail out
>oil prices this low
>trump can spend 20% more and nothing will happen
Imagine thinking this reply-fishing thread is clever
oi mate, jus havin a luff bruv. juss a bit a bantuh bruv.
our police is so serious and brutal even with le 56% we still dont have gang rapes.
your country is only 96% but with your police and government so incompetent, that you might as well looks like a 5% white.
i mean asian gangbangs? comeon!