
Based and redpilled?

Attached: 3-hippies.jpg (400x374, 46.94K)

No, lazy degenerate faggots that should be shot.

No and no


fuck you faggot idiot

Unironically cringe and based at the same time.

This is based

Based and Boomerpilled

Imagine the smell.

the people who continued to be hippies after the 60s are based af.
the people who wore the wigs and head bands and later cut their hair and became managers were npc faggots.

Based and bluepilled

CIA psyop

>Based and redpilled?
just retarded and high on drugs

The sellouts who chased greed in the 80s.
Hippy ideals were right, protect the planet, save the trees, etc.

don't forget the brief return to indo-european paganism

Faggots. Love and peace although ideal will never exist. These retards are against having s military you have to be real tard to not want a form of defense. Also the majority were in it becsuse it was a fad when they became older the ideology went away and they sold our country out


It's based. It originated in Germany but the machine destroyed, capitalized on it and normification turned it into this cringefest.
Check "Wandervogel"


>I remember when a dime bag cost a dime. You know how much condom costs?

>How much?

>Shit I don't know, we never used them

a cia psyop


It will only exist when all knees bow down to Jesus. Most hippies tended to follow Marx instead.

glow niggers used to have fake communes to research the effects of lsd on these scum.

This is true.
Wandervogel movement lead to beatnik and on to hippy.

Yes. Back to Land, antiiberal. Anti-Dependancy on Government. Etc. Many of the OG back-to-Landers became weirdo 'conservatives.' Think, Walden Transcendentalusts, Thoroua. Etc

I mean, many also just became drunks, too, though so... It may be more 50/50.


People dying in shitty war at a time when Americans were still relatively healthy in body and soul. God fearing family units. Kids in colleges were starting to ask questions and those questions were eloquently making too much sense.
>Push drugs to break them
>Push relativism and abstraction to confused them
>Push said things as a culture with all the power of the media until half of them are aliens to their families
>movement diverted
>Countless of weak faggots who will never be competition and will go on to infect the next generations
Degeneration and diversion nothing new under the sun

it's a phase


used to be 3.70 for 12 now its 30$ for 12

CIA experiment that went aside their MK Ultra program. Also past of the same experiment as Charles Manson, which is why he wasn't arrested for so long. He wasn't an asset of theirs as such, but they wanted to see how it could play out