Land owners bailout NOW!

14 of my 22 tenants are refusing to pay rent. No one is using the stimulus to pay their debts to me. I still have to make mortgage payments. This isn’t right. I am a human being that worked hard and bought rental properties so I could comfortably retire and tend to my passions. Now I could potentially lose my life’s work because of slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society. I have a family to feed to, why shouldn’t I get paid? Why should I subsidise other people’s shelter from my own pocket? When are property owners getting OUR bailout? It's NOT fair

I have enough emergency funds to cover five maybe six tenants not paying their rent but 14? 14! Why should I wipe out MY savings over this? Landlords are entitled to a larger check for EACH MONTH of the shutdown.

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>14 of my 22 tenants are refusing to pay rent
Sounds good to me

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kick them out u faggot

if you are landlord without a gun you are not a landlord

Better call and write your Congressperson.

you are a parasite and deserve what's happening to you for treating younger generations of your kin like cattle to be farmed for their income.

Crying on Yas Forums isn't going to help you buddy!
you need to pull yourself up from those bootstraps and get your finances together!
I'll help you by sageing your thread so you and get to budgeting sooner

I heard Walmart is hiring.

Comrade donald is bailing everything else out so fuck it why not. You'll get sympathy here from these commie cucks who support this retard

This is quite glowy

>Having 22 mortgages
You played the game, the stakes were high and you lost. By all means kick them out. That sounds fair to me. Don't ask daddy government to pick up the tab on your over extended investments.

These larps
>Discord trannies in 2020

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A landlord is only a lord if he can control the land he lords himself over. Irregardless of whether you truly own the land or if the United States government holds tyrannical possession of, you cannot maintain the sanctity and wellbeing of your domains, which means that you are not a lord at all - you are a peasant just like the people you despise.

Eat shit kike

Here's why dick. You and all the other landlords, real estate dicks, chinese bought up all the houses and have inflated the cost of owning a home outside the range of anyone especially my generation and younger. We cant pay aford $650,000 morgage on a house on what cost you %100,000 in 19 what ever. Income has not gone up for middle class households over the decades but the costs of living sure has. People have less money available each month and homes cost more than ever. I get a raise each year very fortunately. My landlord also raises the rent each year. I'm unable to save enough for a down payment on a home. Instead of paying on a morgage and owning a home in the end, I get to pay you every month. Fuck you personally with the same breath I save for the Chinese. You are scum, please, please catch the rona. Trash like you fucked the american housing market up, people need to buy homes, not rent them, but now no one can aford one. Now we all scrounge by getting poorer and poorer while boomer shit but fat, old, and richer. Just get covid-19 and please die for the sake of the country.

Kill all landlords. Then kill the commies. Then kill the 3percenters. Then the vegetarians. Then kill the judges. Keep the police and fags.

You played the game, the stakes were high and you lost. Faggot.

Maybe you should use your stimulus money to pay your debts

What a fucking LARP, go and do something else.

> being a real estate investor and not having 6 months mortgage and taxes for each property

Your stupid enough to fail faggot

If only those 14 people knew each other and could band together, they could probably collectively mob and rope you after you try and put them all on the street and take their stimulus money. You'd deserve it too, scumlord

Should have saved a 3 month emergency fund faggot

I’m gettin real tired of you glowies...

Maybe you should have had an emergency fund, huh?

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Stop eating avocado toast and pul yourself up by your boot straps.

>refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society.
>complains he can't pay his rent
The irony.

>Now I could potentially lose my life’s work because of slackers who live hand to mouth and refuse to have emergency funds like responsible members of society
Kek, nice b8 user

Boomer you deserve everything coming to you for being such a leech. All boomers are leeches.
Get saltier and see what happens leech.

we in da jungle nigga lmao

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>getting mortgages so you can rent to others

Every cunt and jew that does this deserves everything that happens to them

This op is gonna get the ooga booga

>People are actually falling for this larp
I used the same thing on Yas Forums and got like 90 replies

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>Indebting yourself to greedy bankers with no sense of morality or decency.
That was your mistake.

If you can afford 22 tenant properties and don't have a rainy day emergency fund, YOU'RE AT FAULT retard, and deserve to not make your mortgage payment.

>Why should I wipe out MY savings over this?
Because its the right thing to do to help out your fellow country men during a crisis.
Why do you think your life in more important than those 14 people, just because you made a bad investment and didn't save up money for a rainy day.