Inverse relationship between far right political views and insecurity of masculinity

I have a question for you all. How many of you are actually insecure about your masculinity and adopt far right political views to compensate? Serious question. Just would like to know out of all the political philosophies why you chose the one that is predominant on this site.
>inb4 muh race realism
Many of you have barely met a black person, regardless of their over representation in crime statistics.
And how has the interracial porn, that has been spammed on this board, affected your psyche? I know that it has affected the nords quite a bit. I'm also not a kike, so full disclaimer

Attached: download.jpg (301x167, 6.06K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Shit directional relationship not inverse. My bad. Wrote it wrong

>expelled 1,030 times
Full list with sources:

Fun fact: Norway had it WRITTEN INTO THEIR CONSTITUTION until the late 1800's that jews were literally banned from their country

>The truth about the jews and the world wars:
>The truth about slavery:

Attached: 1587167600540.png (600x600, 298.49K)

Kek. Saw you spamming this on the kalergi plan discussion.

>How many of you are actually insecure about your masculinity

Good relationships with masculine figures in life. I'm getting to the point where many good male leaders i've had in life are dying. It reminds me of how bleak the world looks without them.

>Adopt far right political views to compensate?

started off lefty than over time grew to hate the acceptance of bald-faced lies of the left(race/gender/societal pillars).

>Out of all the political philosophies why you chose the one that is predominant on this site.
i guess its where it all leads, idk

>many of you have barely met a black person, regardless of their over-representation in crime statistics.
Niggers are dumb and problematic, we need to cull the horde, at best

I used to be insecure about my masculinity and leftist.
Now I am very happy and libertarian.

Once i was walking and saw a black dude and thought he looked sketchy but then thought that it would be racist to cross the street so anyway I walked past him and then he jumped on me and I threw him off and he pulls a gun on me so I ran in a circle around him and then in a zig zag away to throw off his aim.

Thanks for engaging in this thread. So it was a matter of leftist lies and not on how the far right markets itself, correct?

slide thread

I'm sorry that happened to you. Yes the black community has failed in addressing the flaws that are plaguing their communities as they have seem to believed in the lie of modern era discrimination as the source of their grief. I hope they can diagnose their situation better in the future

Nope. I'm genuinely curious

yes, also the insistence of assured destruction:

diversity is strength
family/traditional values bad

i think the first step was researching abortion in college. I was pro-choice leftist and determined to prove to my professor the merits of abortion. instead, I was left disgusted at how subjective and selfish the act is.

from then it spiraled, into black lives matter(most of the 'victims' were thugs), feminist bullshit(metoo), gamergate(where the ww2 women representation), and other events

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Hi Freud

not to repeat the chimping of haiti type again

Yes the abortion motto, safe and rare, was never practical. I wish the leftists in America would not base their narratives on blatant lies and unsubstantiated nonsense as well.


You are not a kike, I will give you that.
But you are a glownigger.

I have tons of friends of all races. I've been involved in many of their lives and given advice to them based on their individual needs. How is wanting my own genetic line continued in a way that preserves my likeness in any way racist. If anything it's narcissism.

Why is that?

>ran in a zigzag to throw off his aim

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So you want everyone to discriminate on sexual preferences only or do you want a white ethnostate because anti-miscegenation laws are impractical? If you have friends of all races, I'd presume you aren't selective in the company that you have around you. So is it purely biological or is it social as well?

Because you sound like a cock sucker faggot, mate

Poor bait, sage in all fields jidf

Ehhh. Weak

Not bait. Just pure curiosity

ate the leftest worldview through out my life
respected wahmen
destained physical labour and sports
thought intellect was all that mattered
this pretty much fucked me
made me a perma virgin and stopped me from forming a strong brotherhoods with other men

Right economics are inherently masculine because it advocates for a society where the strong take what they will and the weak tolerate what they must. Left wing economics are more about having a paternal government do the taking for you and also abdicate your need to defend whats yours.

Basically leftist politics have the government taking the male role. You'd only advocate for that if you weren't capable of taking that role yourself.

But right wing economics and what people call far right politics don't always line up so I'd say that just because people with right wing politics are more likely to also advocate for right wing economics, that doesn't mean all of them do. I'd be careful about associating the 2 because that doesn't always play out in reality within the individual.

nope, you had it right the first time. Left wingers are generally more DYEL and less masculine.

Kek. I understand what you are getting at but leftists don't have issues with their masculinity at all as they have no problem accepting cuckoldry and all sorts of feminine behavior. My question was referring to the men who react to leftists and their lack of masculinity and consequently adopt more far right leaning politics as a result and to determine whether or not this happens to be the case for some on this board

So the adoption of a leftist worldview came at a personal detriment to you? Intellect matters and physical activity helps support brain function. There is an apparent relationship between physical activity and IQ. Other than that, I'd presume operating on unconditional principles would fuck up any person no matter what

Imagine being so gay you worship masculinity. I bet you fantasize about being a jojo character.

Sure I wasn't referring to the economic systems that people adhered to. Plus most far right advocates promote some sort of welfare system but exclusively for their race.

Masculinity is an integral characteristic for any man to succeed in almost all of their endeavors. It is associated with high serotonin levels, elevation in mood, confidence, etc.

>leftists don't have issues with their masculinity at all as they have no problem accepting cuckoldry and all sorts of feminine behavior
lmao, you are incredibly naive. They are coping, their masculine nature is in constant dissonance with their leftist worldview. They don't admit to being weak, they try to redefine what it means to be masculine.

And no, my attitudes towards masculinity are not reactionary to anything. I was just raised this way.

>And no, my attitudes towards masculinity are not reactionary to anything. I was just raised this way.
Cool I just wanted to know. I think you might be generalizing a bit with leftists. Yes, some of them try to define masculinity as they do with femininity but the vast majority of them operate with the practical or traditional term.

Sounds more like being a happy faggot to me.

>everyone is defined by their political views
Glownigger, kike, or retard. Which one are you?

Of course I'm generalising, it's a massive group of people. It seems to me, most politically active leftists today unironically use the term "toxic masculinity" to distinguish from their own "better" version of masculinity.

Is this what passes for modern psychology?
Everything has to be rooted in some insecurity or wanting to fuck your mother?

>how many of you are actually insecure about your masculinity and adopt far right political views to compensate? Serious

WTF does that even mean? Fuck off this website with this feminazi jargon.

Hero confronts Coronavirus Hoaxers

>interview with nurse laid off for the hoax “I was laid off because we have no patients” “friends in the ICU unit are getting cancelled shifts, main hospitals in the Cleveland area"

>>covid tent is dance tent

>>nurses tiktok dance, no social distancing

We want to go outside obviously because the virus is fake. Leftists screaming and REEEEEEEing proves it's fake too.
(If it was a real "deadly virus") then all these Leftists who hate us would cheer and encourage us conservatives to go outside every day. They would be overjoyed to watch us go out and kill ourselves.
Leftists, politicians, police and Chris Cuomo go outside and go to work every day, which proves that this is a nothing hoax virus. The MEDIA are outside every day sobbing about how people outside are going to die WTF WHY ARE YOU OUTSIDE THEN MEDIA??? (Obviously because the virus is fake, a nothing, and the media know it)

>>TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!
>>>go inside
>>empty inside
>>inside elmhurst

I think that society wants you to feel insecure about yourself. Once you manage to distance yourself from society while still being a part of society, you can truely live for yourself, your soil, your blood.

Sure whatever. The convo was never intended for you anyway